“Jesus: Our GREAT High Priest”
Melchizedek Who is he? Why does it matter?
The Old & New Testaments “The New is in the Old concealed; the Old is in the New revealed.”
The Book of Hebrews
Written to Jewish Christians. a) Jews born in Israel who became Christians.
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. a) Jews born in Israel who became Christians. b) Jews born outside Israel who became Christians: called “Hellenists” (Greek-culture).
Acts 4:36-37
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. a) Jews born in Israel who became Christians. b) Jews born outside Israel who became Christians: called “Hellenists” (Greek-culture) The Book of Acts recognized this distinction…
Acts 6:1
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. a) Jews born in Israel who became Christians. b) Jews born outside Israel who became Christians: called “Hellenists” (Greek-culture). c) Gentiles who became Jews and then became Christians.
Acts 10:1-2
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. They were familiar with the Old Testament.
Acts 8:27-30
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. They were familiar with the Old Testament. “New Testament” hardly exists yet. NT writings (letters, gospels, here and there.)
2 Peter 3:15-16
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. They were familiar with the Old Testament. Written about early 60s A.D. Talks about persecution they suffered.
Acts 18:1-2
A commentary about Hebrews, Introduction
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. They were familiar with the Old Testament. Written about early 60s A.D. Talks about their persecution they suffered. But not “to the point of shedding blood.”
Hebrews 12:3-4
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. They were familiar with the Old Testament. Written about early 60s A.D. Talks about their persecution they suffered. But not “to the point of shedding blood.” No mention of Temple’s destruction.
Matthew 24:1-2
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. They were familiar with the Old Testament. Written about early 60s A.D. The author is unknown; probably close to them.
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. They were familiar with the Old Testament. Written about early 60s A.D. The author is unknown; probably close to them. Paul?
Heb 1:1-2 (New American Standard Version)
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians They were familiar with the Old Testament Written about early 60s A.D. The author is unknown; probably close to them. Paul? Apollos?
Acts 18:24-26
Acts 18:28 “He [Apollos] powerfully refuted the Jews in public, showing by the Scriptures [the Old Testament] that the Christ was Jesus.”
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. They were familiar with the Old Testament. Written about early 60s A.D. Author unknown; but he knows readers personally.
Hebrews 13:18-19
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians The were familiar with the Old Testament Written about early 60s A.D. The author is unknown; probably close to them. Concern that some might turn away from Christ, go back to Jews.
Hebrews 3:12-13
The Book of Hebrews Written to Jewish Christians. The were familiar with the Old Testament. Written about early 60s A.D. The author is unknown; probably close to them. Concern that some might turn away from Christ, go back to Jews. Uses Old Testament to exalt Jesus in every way: God’s Son, Creator, High Priest, Atonement.
Jesus is God’s Son
Jesus: God’s Son, is Our High Priest Note: The Apostle Paul rarely talks about Jesus as our great high priest. Paul’s audience was primarily gentiles, who wouldn’t know about this. But for Hebrew Christians, it’s very importannt.
Hebrews 4:14
Jesus: God’s Son is Our High Priestand alsoOur King
Hebrew 1:8 So the above shows that the Son IS God, and that he is King.
Jesus: God’s Son, is Our High Priestand alsoOur King Question from Hebrew Christians: “How can this be? “ In the Old Testament, Israel’s kings (tribe of Judah) were not allowed to serve as priests (tribe of Levi).
Jesus: God’s Son is Our High Priestand alsoOur King Question from Hebrew Christians: “How can this be? “ In the Old Testament, Israel’s kings (tribe of Judah) were not allowed to serve as priests (tribe of Levi). Around 750 B.C., a godly king tried to serve in the temple as high priest. Look what happened:
2 Chronicles 22:19-21
2 Chronicles 26:16-19(a)
2 Chronicles 26:19-21
Jesus Our High PriestalsoOur King Question from Hebrew Christians: “How can this be? “ In the Old Testament, Israel’s kings (tribe of Judah) were not allowed to serve as priests (tribe of Levi). Also, high priests were Levites who were also descendants of Aaron (the older brother of Moses).
Hebrews 5:4-6
Genesis 14 (c B.C.)
So what’s next? No mention of Melchizedek for another eight centuries. Then, David writes:
Psalm 110 (about 1,000 BC)
Psalm 110:4 Melchizedek is named in David’s Psalm. But again, no more mention of him for over 1,000 years, until the Book of Hebrews.
Hebrews 7:1-3
Hebrews 7:11-14
Hebrews 7:15-17 So the author is answering a question the Hebrews have, and shows it was always God’s intent to replace the priesthood with a greater high priest.
Hebrews 7:20-22
So… Jesus is our high priest: not because he’s born in the tribe of Levi, but because God chose him, with an oath.
And… Jesus is our king: “Son of David,” the royal tribe of Judah.
Therefore… Like Melchizedek, Jesus is both king & high priest.
For us, Jesus fulfilled a New Covenant.
The New Covenant The next few chapters of the Book of Hebrews are devoted to the New Covenant, promised in Jeremiah 31, about 600 years before. No other author spends much time explaining about the New Covenant, but Hebrew Christians sure want to know!
Luke 22:19b-20 At the end of the last supper, Jesus said:
Hebrews 10:5-7 (Psalm 40:6-8)
Hebrews 10:8-10
Hebrews 10:15-17 (Jeremiah 31:33-34)
Hebrews 4:14-15
Hebrews 4:16