Unit 1 Review Ch 9 Medieval Era Ch 10 Renaissance Ch 11 Reformation
Chapter 9 – Late Medieval Era Chapter 9 Outline I. The Black Death Preconditions and Causes of the Plague Popular Remedies Social and Economic Consequences New Conflicts and Opportunities II. The Hundred Years’ War and the Rise of National Sentiment The Causes of the War Progress of the War III. Ecclesiastical Breakdown and Revival: The Late Medieval Church The Thirteenth-Century Papacy Boniface VIII and Philip the Fair The Avignon Papacy (1309–1377) John Wycliffe and John Huss The Great Schism (1378–1417) and the Conciliar Movement to 1449 IV. Medieval Russia Politics and Society Mongol Rule (1243–1480) KEY TOPICS The effects of the bubonic plague on population and society The Hundred Years’ War between England and France The growing power of secular rulers over the papacy Schism, heresy, and reform of the church
Chapter 10 – The Renaissance I. The Renaissance in Italy The Italian City-State Humanism Renaissance Art Slavery in the Renaissance II. Italy’s Political Decline: The French Invasions (1494 – 1527) Charles VIII’s March through Italy Pope Alexander VI and the Borgia Family Pope Julius II Niccolò Machiavelli III. Revival of Monarchy in Northern Europe France Spain England The Holy Roman Empire IV. The Northern Renaissance The Printing Press Erasmus Humanism and Reform V. Voyages of Discovery and the New Empires in the West and East The Portuguese Chart the Course The Spanish Voyages of Columbus The Spanish Empire in the New World The Church in Spanish America The Economy of Exploitation The Impact on Europe KEY TOPICS The politics, culture, and art of the Italian Renaissance Political struggle and foreign intervention in Italy The powerful new monarchies of northern Europe The thought and culture of the northern Renaissance
Ch 11 – The Reformation I. Society and Religion Social and Political Conflict Popular Religious Movements and Criticism of the Church II. Martin Luther and German Reformation to 1525 Justification by Faith Alone The Attack on Indulgences Election of Charles V Luther’s Excommunication and the Diet of Worms Imperial Distractions: War with France and the Turks How the Reformation Spread The Peasant’s Revolt III. The Reformation Elsewhere Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation Anabaptists and Radical Protestants John Calvin and the Genevan Reformation IV. Political Consolidation of the Lutheran Reformation The Diet of Augsburg The Expansion of the Reformation Reaction Against Protestants The Peace of Augsburg V. The English Reformation to 1553 The Preconditions of Reform The King’s Affair The “Reformation Parliament” Wives of Henry VIII The King’s Religious Conservatism The Protestant Reformation under Edward VI VI. Catholic Reform and Counter-Reformation Sources of Catholic Reform Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits The Council of Trent (1545–1563) VII. The Social Significance of the Reformation in Western Europe The Revolution in Religious Practices and Institutions The Reformation and Education The Reformation and the Changing Role of Women VIII. Family Life in Early Modern Europe Later Marriages Arranged Marriages Family Size Birth Control Wet Nursing Loving Families? IX. Literary Imagination in Transition Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra: Rejection of Idealism William Shakespeare: Dramatist of the Age KEY TOPICS The social and religious background of the Reformation Martin Luther’s challenge to the church and the course of the Reformation in Germany The Reformation in Switzerland, France, and England Transitions in family life between medieval and modern times