Road Traffic Digest No. 1 Road Traffic Digest No. 1
Black Hole WHERE IS THE ROAD LEADING TODAY? Today a significant portion of our time is spent on roads. So, advantages of travel in our life cannot be overemphasized copyright:
You cannot avoid road traffic however big you may be in your status in the country You cannot avoid road traffic however big you may be in your status in the country You may make a cozy paradise for you and your family, but you can't escape menace of road traffic You may make a cozy paradise for you and your family, but you can't escape menace of road traffic
- - - the price we are paying today for using our roads is extremely high or Hazards of using our roads are: Road accidents Environmental pollution Traffic Congestion & Traffic Jams Arrogance on roads : Road Rage Global Warming etc, etc. copyright:
Road Accidents: The biggest hazard! They claim 1,26,896 lives [2009] every year in India Road Accidents: The biggest hazard! They claim 1,26,896 lives [2009] every year in India copyright:
China India USA World record of Highest deaths/year in road accidents is to the credit of India !! World record of Highest deaths/year in road accidents is to the credit of India !!
one death every four minutes one death every four minutes on Indian roads on Indian roads copyright:
one serious accident every minute one serious accident every minute on Indian roads on Indian roads copyright:
In India accidents are the 3rd most common In India accidents are the 3rd most common cause of deaths [in age group of 5 to 45 yrs] cause of deaths [in age group of 5 to 45 yrs]1 st Tuberculosis 3,50,000 Deaths/year 2 nd AIDS 3,00,000 Deaths/year 3 rd Road Accidents 1,27,000 Deaths/year copyright:
- - - It is the NUMBER ONE cause of death It is the NUMBER ONE cause of death in 10 to 25 years in 10 to 25 years age group in India It is the NUMBER ONE cause of death It is the NUMBER ONE cause of death in 10 to 25 years in 10 to 25 years age group in India copyright:
Males are involved in 85% of accidents 15% Death among females is low, occurring mainly as co passengers rather than as driver [in India]
Death is not the only indicator of seriousness of this malady copyright:
... as in India around 5 lakhs people are seriously injured or permanently disabled & forced to live a miserable life due to road accidents copyright:
Some more interesting facts about road accidents Follows in next digest Follows in next digest
If you find merit in this message, please forward it to people who can play a good role in managing traffic related hazards in our life. People who are concerned about traffic congestion, pollution, road rage, etc and want to avoid road accidents in their & their beloved one’s life, should visit: Tsunami on Roads: Wake up India!
Jai Hind