LO’s: -Recall key issues that led to the break in the RCC -Describe what happened as a result of this break
1. Papal Bull 2. Indulgences 3. Excommunicated 4. Heretic 5. Justification by faith Starter Quiz A. Were being sold to make money for the re-building of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome B. A Papal letter with a seal attached C. A teaching or opinion, about a matter or belief, which differs from the orthodox teaching proclaimed by the Church. D. A Church penalty by which someone is cut off from communion with the church. E. Luther’s claim that all anyone was required to do was have faith in the grace and love of God.
Clip on Indulgences…
Make Way for Luther
Lutheran Church Priesthood of all No ‘Religious Life’ Married clergy No Pope A ‘National’ Church 2 Sacraments Baptism/Eucharist No ‘Mass’ Different view of ‘Real Presence” Vernacular Bible and Worship Stress on Preaching Good Works – rejected (eg. Fasting, pilgrimages, indulgences, etc.) Hierarchical priesthood Religious Life Celibacy Authority of Pope and Bishops A Universal Church 7 Sacraments Mass Christ actually present in the Eucharist Latin (until 1960s) Stress on Tradition & Authority Value of faith and working out your salvation through ‘good works’ Catholic Church FAITH ALONE GRACE ALONE SCRIPTURE ALONE SCRIPTURE & TRADITION FAITH & WORKS AUTHORITY - POPE & BISHOPS
Foundation and Pillars of the Protestant and Catholic Faith The foundation of the two churches is Jesus Christ. Lutheran Pillars Faith Alone: Only Faith will help you gain entry into heaven Grace Alone: Faith comes from God by Grace. Scripture Alone: The teaching authority can only come from Scripture
Catholic Pillars Scripture and Tradition: The teaching authority comes from both Scripture and Tradition. Faith and Works: Faith in God is extremely important, ones faith must be witnessed. Authority of Pope and Bishops: Jesus invested authority to teach the People of God through the Pope and Bishops
REMEMBER!!! These are simplistic explanations of the Pillars, further study of these pillars would reveal that Protestant and Catholic Theology would share more commonality than difference.