1 Joint Clearing-house Mechanism for Information Exchange and its draft strategy By Osmany Pereira Gonzalez, BRS Secretariat Geneva, 7 October 2015
2 What is a Clearing-House Mechanism?
3 POPs Clearing-house mechanism -Mandate Before synergies Paragraph 4 of article 9 on information exchange The Secretariat shall serve as a clearing-house mechanism for information on Persistent Organic Pollutants, including information provided by Parties, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations.
4 clearing-house mechanism Concept (one node)
5 Section III B the conferences of the parties invited parties to consider establishing common websites and documentation centres at the national and, where appropriate, regional levels containing available information on human health and environmental impacts relevant to the three conventions. also requested the Secretariat to develop systems of information exchange on health and environmental impacts, including a joint clearing-house mechanism, with the aim of these systems serving all three conventions. Synergies Decision Mandates (2011)
6 Integration of Systems at Secretariat level Harmonized websites, while keeping conventions’ autonomy and presence Integrated databases and systems Developed new systems, i.e. joint status of ratifications, joint calendars of events, joint contacts management system, Document Management System, roster of experts Developed a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) as part of data management policies Developed InforMEA, as part of multi-stakeholder process for MEAs Knowledge Management Initiative Developed standards for information exchange (XML schemas and protocols) Synergies Decision Mandates
7 Takes note of the proposed joint clearing-house mechanism strategy and invites parties and others to provide comments on the strategy, in particular its scope, on national and regional priorities and needs in respect of the clearing-house mechanism and on the goals described in section IV of the strategy, to the Secretariat by 31 October 2015; Acknowledges the role that the joint clearing-house mechanism can play in facilitating the exchange of information in relation to the sound management of chemicals and wastes among parties and other stakeholders and in promoting the understanding of scientific, technical and legal aspects of the three conventions; 2015 COPs Mandates
8 Recognizes the gaps in access to scientific information and knowledge, the inadequate capacity of developing countries to provide scientific inputs for the various processes under the conventions and the need for scientific and technical advice in relation to implementation and notes the role that the clearing-house mechanism strategy could play in addressing those issues; Requests the Secretariat to provide for the biennium 2016–2017, within available resources, access to thematic information relevant to the conventions through the clearing-house mechanism, including from parties and other stakeholders, on the following priority areas: 2015 COPs Mandates
9 i.National plans and strategies, … ; ii.Environmentally sound management of chemicals and of hazardous and other wastes; iii.Priority waste stream inventories, for wastes such as e-wastes, … related technical guidelines; iv.Illegal traffic, in accordance with the conventions; v.Persistent organic pollutants listed under the Stockholm Convention, …; vi.Chemicals listed under the Rotterdam Convention, …; vii.National reporting, the prior informed consent procedure and other notification procedures under the conventions; viii.Legal matters, such as final regulatory actions, importing country responses …; ix.Technology transfer and transfer of know-how; x.Available financial and technical assistance; xi.Regional centres; 2015 COPs Mandates (2016–2017)
10 Joint clearing-house mechanism Draft strategy - Definition From paragraph 69 of the draft strategy The joint clearing-house mechanism is a multi- stakeholder global mechanism set up and operated by the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions Secretariat under the guidance and oversight of parties, to facilitate the exchange of information and expertise relevant for the implementation of the three conventions. Its three major components are: A) Information capital (information products) B) Human capital (networks and communities) C) Operational capital (infrastructure & tools)
11 Joint clearing-house mechanism Draft Strategy - Goals Enhancement of infrastructure and services to facilitate identification, collection, integration and exchange of information and the creation of a global knowledge base relevant to support the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions Establishment of the joint clearing-house mechanism global network of information providers, users and institutions, having the common needs of sharing information and expertise for the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
12 (Based on pre-synergies mandates) Expanding clearing-house mechanism concept at regional and national levels Regional centres, governments and other interested stakeholders are encouraged to develop their own clearing ‑ house mechanism nodes Use the guidance document for this purpose, covering information ‑ sharing protocols, standards, possible classification systems, etc. Build on existing initiatives Develop a clearing ‑ house mechanism toolkit Joint clearing-house mechanism Draft Strategy – Multi-node approach
13 XI priority areas from 2015 COPs Other areas to be defined Set up specialized clearing ‑ house mechanism nodes to cover specific aspects of convention implementation, e.g. monitoring information or specialize in public awareness and education, etc. Expertise Joint clearing-house mechanism Draft Strategy – Information Scope
14 Increase collaboration by linking to existing networks and initiatives Enrol key information providers and users Identify roles, responsibilities and available expertise of each national/regional partner in regard to information exchange Platform to facilitate building an online community (social networking web technologies ) Training and capacity ‑ building Joint clearing-house mechanism Draft Strategy – Networking/Community
15 Joint clearing-house mechanism Draft Strategy – Tools/Architecture Conventions’ websites Systems of information exchange (PIC DMA) Document Management System Databases (PIC DB, ratifications, expert roster…) Online collaboration tools (POPs social) Online reporting (BC, SC) Online questionnaires Mobile application Social media tools (twitter, facebook) Offline media (CD-ROMs, flash drives and others) Paper based (PIC circular, newsletters)
16 Joint clearing-house mechanism Draft Strategy – Tools/Architecture Websites (DNN) Contacts (MS dynamics CRM) Meetings (MS dynamics CRM) Documents (M-Files) Projects (planned) Ratifications (MS dynamics CRM) Databases (MS SQL) Integration (web services, kendo ui)
17 Joint clearing-house mechanism More information Draft Strategy UNEP/CHW.12/INF/50, UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.7/INF/36, UNEP/POPS/COP.7/INF/56 Latest CHM decisions BC-12/21, RC-7/11, SC-7/29 CHM Guidance Document UNEP/FAO/CHW/RC/POPS/EXCOPs.2/INF/19 Questionnaire
18 THANK YOU! Joint clearing-house mechanism