Proposals and Contracts
How will this benefit you? If you wanted to do freelance work of any kind: A visual merchandiser A stylist You owned your own company You can use this for your own purposes outside of this school in the industry.
Idea behind this project You own a Visual Company. Put together a bid for your client’s business for 1 time only – 1 job. This is a custom tailored contract and proposal geared to a specific company and person.
What do you have to do? Create a company – name, logo, address. Create a client – their name, address, & contact person. Choose 1 creative idea, taken from your homework of “2 window ideas,” to present to your client.
Part 1: the proposal There are 3 parts to completing the proposal part of this project – 7 or more different pages.
Cover page – page 1 Put your company name and company logo on the first page.
2.Introduce yourself You company logo at the top of the letter. Introduction letter – set up as a business formatted letter. Do research – how to format a business letter. Page 2 after cover page Go to templates Download business letter Put in your information in the letter – your name, address, telephone – your client's name, the business name, the address.
2. HISTORY OF YOUR COMPANY- proven track record Make up a brief history of your company – about 1 or 2 paragraphs. Give it a title at the top of page. Show client what you have done in the past by downloading and labeling pictures of your past work. Page 3 - 5
3. Creative ideas (Title) PAGE Use 1 idea from your “2 window ideas” homework. Describe them and mention the name of the theme. Include inspiration pictures - in addition to your description? Label everything.
the proposal This rough draft of the proposal is due next week. Typed, cover page, folder.
Read your handout again on your own. Read the grading section on how you are being graded. There is a lot of information in the handout.