I. Description of the Course Primarily a methods course Covers the basics of biblical exegesis Prepares for exposition of the Bible
II. Objectives of the Course Students should be able to: Read Ephesians from the Greek text State the central exegetical idea of two passages in Ephesians, trace its development, and defend it from the Greek text Improve their ability to practice NT textual criticism
II. Objectives of the Course Do a thorough word study using available tools Present the validation for a specific exegetical problem using commentaries and tools Integrate grammatical and syntactical skills acquired in NT103 Intermediate Greek into the exegetical process
II. Objectives of the Course Write verse-by-verse commentary on the Greek text of a NT passage Become acquainted with exegetical method in the Gospels (narrative) and in Revelation (apocalyptic) and be aware of differences in method when dealing with these genres
III. Textbooks for the Course 1. Bock, Darrell L., and Buist M. Fanning, eds. Interpreting the New Testament Text. 2. Nestle-Aland 27 th or 28 th edition Greek text, any version with or without dictionary (you should use the same version you learned NT Textual Criticism with in NT103)
III. Textbooks for the Course 3. One of these commentaries on Eph: a. Arnold, Ephesians. ZECNT, b. Best, Ephesians. ICC, c. Hoehner, Ephesians. Baker, d. Lincoln, Ephesians. WBC, e. O'Brien, Ephesians. Pillar, f. Thielman, Ephesians. BECNT, Note however that you are expected to use all of these (plus others) in writing your exegetical papers.
III. Textbooks for the Course 5. Osborne, Grant. The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation. (This text is required for Stage I Ph.D. only)
III. Textbooks for the Course Also suggested: Metzger, Bruce. A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament J. H. Moulton and G. Milligan, The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament Another useful work not listed in syllabus: C. Keener, The IVP Bible Background Commentary—New Testament (especially helpful for introductory background work in the Gospels).