There is a lot of adventure in the story. It is crazy because there is a whole different view of john in the beginning then the end and I think everyone should read this story because it is funny and john has this big problem that causes john to change. He learns a very big lesson that family comes first. At first john thinks this is a dream and loves eating only chocolate but then hates it and it makes him have the worst day. By. Sammie/samoo/rogsta d
John goes to the chocolate store he has never seen before. He finds a coin with the letters JM. And trades it for a chocolate box that is supposed to be special and hides it in his room knowing he should not be having it.
John is trying to tell his friend about his chocolate touch but she did not believe him and she said if you bite my silver dollar and it turns chocolate you are right but john bite it to hard and it broke in half and then she ran away crying because he broke it John felt bad then it turned chocolate right in front of him
John goes to the doctors and tells his dad what happened and the doctor try's to figure out what happened but he cant but said this will be a great solution and his descovery
John turns everything into chocolate and no one believes him. Even the most valuable stuff is now chocolate and it is all up to john to fix it.
John runs to the chocolate store to try to fix his problem because the chocolate gets out of hands but the cashier says only you can fix this what do you really want I want to get rid of this chocolate touch it is going all wrong I never will chocolate I just want this problem gone will then you fixed your problem and that was all I needed to here now go home and check.
John is very important because he is attached to chocolate and a bunch of stuff goes wrong with it and he has to fix all his problems or things could go wrong forever
The cashier is a mysterious guy he is the reason John gets in this problem and john has never even seen him before and helps John get close to his family and then the mysterious guy and the building disappear then everything is back to normal
Mr. and Mrs. Midas are johns parents they are important because at first john does not trust to tell them finally when things get bad john tells his dad and they go to the doctor right away and Mr. Midas is the first to believe him and then his mom turns chocolate and that is when he realizes this has to stop.
This johns best friend Suzan is the one he trusts most but they end up fighting and they need to figure out problems but then they become best friends
Sammie ROGSTAD A SOCCER STAR PUPPY LOVER 10 YEAR OLD 4ft 4 has a younger brother Cole COLE! COLE! COLE! All about Cole I am small can be feisty and amazing my brothers height 4ft 2 I mostly smile I love all animals I have an older brother kind of my dog dodge he is 10 July I also have a lizard named kinko and my brother has fish in soccer I play center mid but I like left wing and striker and I am left footed famous saying what what nicknames samoo,sammie from Miami, hammy, and smalls my favorite colleges are U.N.C U.V.A G.M.U Harvard my best friends are Cora Abby Caroline Lana soccer team Maddie Nadine and meena. My family is from California Westcon son Texas Germany Ohio. I have had four dogs first copper then Dakota then Maggie now dodge I love to play with friends design play soccer and be a leader.