Book Information Your Name Date. Bookmark Builder Make two bookmarks that reflect on the story you have read. Consider focusing on one character, theme,


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Presentation transcript:

Book Information Your Name Date

Bookmark Builder Make two bookmarks that reflect on the story you have read. Consider focusing on one character, theme, setting, or conflict. You could also design a bookmark that reflects the beginning of the story. Get creative!

The Gift of Giving Choose three gifts for one of the characters in three of the stories you have read. Choose gifts that make sense based on what you know about the character. Give reasons for why you chose that gift, and use examples from the story when you can. To: From:

To: From:

To: From:

Quotation Query Choose a direct quote from your reading that you think is really important. Make sure the quote reflects something related to plot, characterization, or theme. Explain why you think this is important. You can find a picture or background for your quote, then write your explanation in the text book at the bottom of the page. Explanation:

Assignment Rubric Insufficient (1)Fair (2)Adequate (3)Accomplished (4) Superior (5) Creativity More time and effort needed. Slapdash effort to put project together. Sloppy. Presented some creativity, however, inadequate and not relevant to reading. You’ve satisfied expectations. Generic delivery of information. Some effort evident. Some personal touches and effort evident. Original approach to delivery of information. Unique approach to delivery of information. Obvious extra effort and reflection. Organization Does not follow set requirements. Followed little of the requirements, unorganized. Jumbled, hard to follow, not creative. Reader can follow and understand essential message, organized and creative. Easily followed and smooth; well made and creative. Content Unclear, minimal understanding of story. Some evidence, however, unclear. Little understanding of story. Adequate information presented. Basic understanding of the story. Informative, new ideas, clear understanding of story. Very informative, intriguing ideas. Clear & insightful understanding of story. Quality/Effort Virtually no time or effort. Looks like a last ditch effort to turn something in. Very little evidence of time spent. Little effort shown. Minimal evidence of preparation, simplistic execution of project Shows time & thought went into project Strong evidence of time & thought went into project Total Scores