Monday, September 26, 2011 Harbor Building 8:00 – 11:30 a.m.
SDAIE Strategy Study Teachers: Use the strategy effectively in the classroom Match the strategy to the particular content objective Articulate the rationale for using the strategy with the particular content objective Teach strategy to students as a routine with which they become highly familiar and facile Recognize the application of the strategy to different kinds of lessons
Inside-Outside Circle Strategy!
5 What do we know about this strategy? Take five minutes to discuss in your groups Debrief
1. As a table group match each literary term to its definition. 2. Group members agree that terms are matched correctly 3. Each group member takes one term and its definition and writes it on their note taking sheet; each person adds an example of that term from Romeo & Juliet Getting Ready…
1. Number off: The inside circle will be odd numbers. The outside circle will be even numbers 2. Inside circle people: share your literary term, definition and example with the person facing you in the outside circle. 3. When you have done this, say “pass.” 4. Person in the outside circle will now share their responses with the classmate facing them in the inside circle. 5. Outside Circle moves one person to the right 6. Repeat
1.What does it look like and sound like in the classroom? 2.How is it beneficial for SDAIE? 3.How do we do it well? Strategy Debrief: Inside-Outside Circle
What does it look like and sound like in the classroom? During this strategy, students form two different circles: half of the group stands in a circle facing outward while the other half forms a circle around them facing inward Students exchange information until the teacher signals the outer circle to move in one direction. The students now have a different partner with whom to exchange
Cooperative Learning strategy Encourages interaction Promotes richer discussion of a topic or a concept Builds community Supports students in constructing meaning from a text Engages all students simultaneously Lowers the affective filter Marzano, Kagan How is it beneficial for SDAIE?
How do we do it well? Pre-assign groups: Use numbers/letters (a-b-c) to divide the class into two or more groups as needed. Change partners: Move the outside or inside circle at least one step to the right or left so students have the opportunity to communicate with more than one partner. Monitor the discussions for misconceptions and to make sure students are on task.
Thank You! Questions? Please be sure to complete the Feedback Form for this session before reporting to the next session. For more information or questions, please feel free to contact your presenters at Isela Lieber Elisa Rose Nilsson Ramirez