California Standards Tests (CSTs) and California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Grade 10 Census Report Data to inform the evaluation of the district’s LEA Plan San Diego Unified School District September 11, 2012
Opening Comments CST and CAHSEE results inform the evaluation of our LEA Plan Achievement has increased for seven consecutive years in all 4 CST subjects District placed 1 st on CST ELA among large urban districts; 3 rd in mathematics District placed 1 st on CST Science among large urban districts Achievement gaps for passing the CAHSEE are closing; CST gaps, in most cases, persist 2
3 California Standards Tests All Students, Grades 2-11 Combined Percentage of Students At Proficient or Advanced (District-Managed Schools)
4 California Standards Tests All Students, Grades 2-11 Combined Percentage of Students At Proficient or Advanced (District-Managed Schools)
5 +13 points; 37% points; 13% points; 13% points; 52% points; 17% California Standards Tests All Students, Grades 2-11 Combined Percentage of Students At Proficient or Advanced For Selected Racial/Ethnic Groups (District-Managed Schools)
6 California Standards Tests All Students, Grades 2-11 Combined Percentage of Students At Proficient or Advanced For Selected Racial/Ethnic Groups (District-Managed Schools) +8 points; 28% points; 13% points; 13% points; 37% points; 17%
7 California Standards Tests All Students, Grades 2-11 Combined Percentage of Students At Proficient or Advanced English Language Arts — Achievement Gap
8 California Standards Tests All Students, Grades 2-11 Combined Percentage of Students At Proficient or Advanced English Language Arts — Achievement Gap
9 California Standards Tests All Students, Grades 2-11 Combined Percentage of Students At Proficient or Advanced Mathematics — Achievement Gap
10 California Standards Tests All Students, Grades 2-11 Combined Percentage of Students At Proficient or Advanced Mathematics — Achievement Gap
11 California Standards Tests All Students, Grades 2-11 Combined Percentage of Students At Proficient or Advanced English Language Arts Urban District Comparison
12 California Standards Tests All Students, Grades 2-11 Combined Percentage of Students At Proficient or Advanced Mathematics Urban District Comparison
13 California Standards Tests All Students, Grades 2-11 Combined Percentage of Students At Proficient or Advanced Science (NCLB) Urban District Comparison
14 California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Grade 10 Census Percentage of Students Passing
15 California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Grade 10 Census Percentage of Students Passing Literacy Portion Achievement Gap 25 19
16 California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Grade 10 Census Percentage of Students Passing Mathematics Portion Achievement Gap 29 17
Closing Comments…Next Steps Mathematics remains an area in need of extra support Identify schools with improved scores and determine strategies/practices used at those schools Identify schools where scores declined or were flat and provide support to implement effective strategies/practices Perform the above tasks schoolwide and for student groups Assess available resources to support schools; realign resources, if necessary, to focus on most effective strategies 17