Proven UES: Residential Dishwasher Proposal to Deactivate Jennifer Anziano Regional Technical Forum November 10, 2015
Overview Today, we are seeking deactivation of the Residential Dishwasher measure 2
Residential Dishwasher Measure Current Category:Proven Current Status:Active Current Sunset Date:December 31, 2015 Reason for Update/Review:Sunset Date and Release of new ENERGY STAR and CEE specifications 3
Savings Analysis Current Practice baseline estimate from CEC Appliance Database – All models added on May 30, 2013 or more recent (date of current Federal Standard) 82% of models are compliant with upcoming ENERGY STAR and CEE criteria (effective January 29, 2016) 4
Proposed Motion “I _________ move that the RTF deactivate the Residential Dishwasher UES measure.” 5