Action Research Proposal Koraya Robinson EDU671: Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor: Shelia G. Thomas
Area of Focus The purpose of this research topic is to explore the impact that multicultural education has on high school students. This study will look at students between the ages 13 to 18 and how these student view Multicultural education.
Explanation of Problem Gorski wrote frankly: “Multiculturalism isn’t about everyone agreeing and getting along, it is about naming and eliminating the inequalities in education” A major problem with Multicultural education is people’s bias and personal constraints. Many people believe that schools should not be focusing on teaching multiculturalism and focus more on the content in which students are taught.
Variables MCE is centered on notions of social justice, education fairness, and is dedicated to assisting educational proficiencies for all students to become academically successful Allow students be more socially aware within the school system, nationwide, and internationally. Basic groundwork for makeover of society views on diversity.
Research Questions How can MCE change the face of our current curriculums and has data already been collected? What will the impact be for a teacher who is placed in a Multicultural classroom with no prior training and then replaced after training? How will multicultural education recondition our thinking?
Locus of Control A student can link locus of control to the belief of failures and his/her own abilities and efforts. Some students with an external locus of control depend on other people’s actions.
Intervention Students can see how a person handles being in an unfamiliar environment with no prior knowledge of the culture around them. They will learn that after you are taught a few important details about a culture your view point will change and thus gain a better prospective of the world around you. The time of the experiment would take two weeks.
Membership For high school students that are stepping into their own way of thinking, this will be a guiding force into future choices or decisions they may make of race relations in all aspects. MCE will hopefully encourage teachers to provide opportunity for higher learning skills such as, critical thinking, problem-solving and adaptability.
Negotiation Participation from Parents Participation from school Administrator Cooperation from Teachers
Timeline Booker T Washington becomes the first black principle in Tuskegee Alabama Plessy vs. Ferguson- Federal government passes law that requires racial segregation in schools Alvarez vs. Broad of Trustees of lemon Grove school district- Desegregation Case BF Skinner- Science of Human Behavior was introduced Brown vs. Board of Education- Separate but not equal- fit to end segregation in schools George W. Bush- Signs into law the “The no Child left Behind Act”
References A Timeline of Historical Events in the Development of Educational Psychology. (2010). Northern Illinois University Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations. Retrieved June 9, 2010, from Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University website: edpsych/timeline.pdf Ayala, M. (2010, February). Timeline Of Relevant Events In Special Education Myrnas Version. In Slideshare. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from timeline-of-relevant-events -in- special-education-myrnas-version Historical Timeline of Public Education in the US. (2009). The Applied Research Center. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from Applied Resource Center website: Mills, G. E. (2014). Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc THOMSON REUTERS World University Rankings Methodology, ranking/methodology ranking/methodology
Ethics Uncertainty with parent and schools officials This may look demeaning and unfair to both parties involved. Parents may cause an uproar against allowing their students to be test subjects. The fear of being “politically correct” Learning styles, curriculum, world views may be questioned The power of being open- minded
Data Collection Meetings/Focus Groups Electronic Anonyms Questionnaires Excel spreadsheet Voting Polls