Mock Action Research Proposal Presentation Michael Leazer EDU/671 June 9, 2016
The area of focus reflects on understanding the importance of Title 31 and what the consequences are when it comes to reporting in the Casino. We want to instill in our employees the importance of following the federal standards and avoiding penalties and fines for allowing customers to launder money. Area Of Focus
There are many customers that will come in large amounts of money daily to gamble with, however not that all are trying to hide anything, the employees need to all be on the same page and do the same procedures daily to stop crimes from happening. As well as protecting the companies assets. There are many areas in the casino where a criminal is able to launder money, at the table games buying in chips for cash, than taking the chips to the cashiers cage and cashing in for other cash. In slot machines, putting money in, cashing out ticket and cashing ticket in for other cash. These are areas that all employees need to be aware of to stop the casino from being used to launder the dirty Explanation of the Problem
Employees feel they already know the rules. They forget steps to eliminate possible fines. Employees are not following the guidelines in reporting cash buy ins Do not ask for proper ID when cash is at threshold Do not report activity to Managers. Variables
The follow are research questions I want employees to examine: 1.What is money laundering in a casino, and are there fines handed out from FinCEN? 2.Is there a difference between cash in and cash out when reporting the transactions? 3.What does CTRC stand for, and what is the purpose of using the forms when reporting cash buy ins for the casino? Does CTRC’s have loopholes? Research Questions
The area of study that I chose is in my line of work and all employees have control of following proper policies and procedures. When employees are not filling out paperwork daily as there is no action, monthly training is necessary to ensure all employees are on the same page with each other. Employees have the power to shine and keep the company out of trouble with the federal government. LOCUS CONTROL
My intervention methods is to ensure that all my employees in the company feel comfortable with performing their job duties with very little errors. If we as managers do not help our employees learn the proper ways of ensuring that all information is properly documented, than it is our fault for allowing them to fail. I believe the more you are able to help your employees, the more they are willing to help management run a clean operation. Intervention Methods
Managers/Educators must accommodate the needs of Employees and treat them fairly while helping them learn proper procedures and helping them avoid fines not only for the company, but themselves as well. Employees should feel that their managers are on their side and there to help them succeed in everything they do on the job. Group Membership
There were no negotiations that were necessary for this research proposal. I have followed our company guidelines and have approved all training and research through our Human Resources department as well as our IT department to ensure the websites that will be used for research are approved through our company policies. Corporate legal and HR were involved as well. Negotiations
All participants scores on their tests will be protected by ensuring that only HR their managers know the results. All participants have signed proper paperwork that is already filed in their permanent files in HR. All data that is gathered will be kept confidential and only filed in their work files in HR. arm. Ethics