Graphic Novel Book Report You will create a graphic novel on a book of your choice. Below are some of the required elements: – Panels for each of the plot elements Exposition (this panel should include the main setting) Rising action (this will include a few panels) Climax Falling action Resolution – A panel for the main character that reveals his or her characteristics through direct and indirect characterization Direct characterization—what the author says about the character Indirect characterization—speech, thoughts, effect on others, actions, looks – A panel with your favorite part of the book – A panel that reveals a major theme of your book
A Graphic Novel Page Pages consist of a variety of elements Panels-squares or rectangles that contain a single scene Gutters-space between panels Dialogue Balloons-contain communication between/among characters Thought Balloons-contain a character’s thoughts Captions-contain information about a scene or character Sound Effects-visual sound clues i.e.. Wonk! Pow!
How to Read a Graphic Novel Page Graphic novels are read left to right, just like traditional texts
Dialog Balloons dialog balloons are read left to right or top to bottom as is appropriate
But the basic left to right rule still applies to panels
and dialog balloons as well
Juliet gets ANGRY!!! (Manga Style)
Other StylesOther Styles
Moment-to-Moment Same subject Shows passage of time
Action-to-Action Same subject Shows change in physical form of subject, action performed (verb)
Subject-to-Subject Within scene/ idea Shows minute passage of time
Scene-to-Scene Requires deductive reasoning Transports the reader across “significant distances of time and space.” Often supplemented with a transitional device in the narrative voice (Meanwhile…)
Aspect-to-Aspect Time may pause (Compression) Extension Same scene, as though the character or reader is “looking around.” *think: descriptive prose
Aspect-to-Aspect The phenomenon of observing the parts but perceiving the whole is closure. Mood, Time, Synesthetics
Expansion of Time
Lettering and Speech Balloons