Please stay quiet while I take attendance.
Schedule for the rest of the week › Today: in Homeroom—unpacking and going over expectations › Tues: in Homeroom (assembly, bus drills, handbook, AUP, ipads) › Wed: in Homeroom /Bootcamp › Thurs: Regular Schedule/ Picture Day › Fri: Regular Schedule
Prompt Prepared Productive Polite Patient
Take turns at lockers. (Be patient with each other in the morning as you get things put away). Keep your locker neat & clean. Please do not tape anything to the inside or outside of your locker. On the outside, you may ONLY have your name tag. Please remember it is a privilege to have a locker and it is school property, so take care of it!!
Lockers will be chosen when I call your name. (Please BE PATIENT!) All supplies can go neatly in your locker except the following. Please unpack your bags quietly and put things in your locker as it is assigned to you. The following supplies are going to be collected : Playdough Post-its Notecards Copy Paper Kleenex Notebook Paper Wipes Baggies
Expectation:What it Looks Like: Prompt Be to class by 8:30. The tardy bell “rings” at this time and you will need to check in at the office after 8:30. Come directly to class when being dismissed from the gym. Prepared Bring all of your things to school (Planners, Homework, Binders, any signed forms, etc.). You should not have to make phone calls home. Productive Use this time to quietly and quickly get your things put away in your lockers; Sharpen pencils; Check out Teacher websites; Check out the Riddle of the Day; Get organized; Finish any homework that didn’t get done; Read a book; Turn in any notes into the yellow tray. Polite Use polite words; Talk nice to each other; Hold the door open; Help someone if they need help; Stay quiet during announcements & lunch count so that I can hear. Patient Be patient while announcements, attendance & lunch count are taking progress. Be patient if you are waiting for me to help or answer questions.
Where things are Tables & Chairs
Clips for your planner Planners need to be with you every day! Be sure to have them starting tomorrow! Planners need to be signed at least once a week! (Ideally, parents should be looking at it every night.)
Sheet protectors in the front Schedule Label the pockets Dividers ELA Math Science Social Studies Specials/Other
Expectation:What it Looks Like: Prompt Be to class on time. After 3 cumulative tardies to class, it will be a detention. Prepared Be sure to bring everything with you back to homeroom. Go directly to your seat. I will dismiss you to lockers to get your things. In the meantime, get planners filled out. Productive Get planners filled out and open immediately for me to check. On A- days this time will be used for checkout and study hall. You should be seated and working quietly trying to get at least one task done. On B-day this time will be longer and will be used for RTI math time. It is very important to be working silently on the task assigned to you. Polite Use polite words; Talk nice to each other; Hold the door open; Help someone if they need help; Stay quiet during announcements and during work time so that others can be productive. Patient Be patient while announcements are taking progress. Be patient if you are waiting for me to help you or answer questions. Be patient as I am signing planners.
A Tangled Web A Tangled Web
Going home/exiting the building