Evidence-based Health Promotion & Systematic Reviews II Introduction to Mastercourse HealthEconomics and Health Promotion Fall 2007 Bo J A Haglund Professor
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 2 International efforts of systematic reviews of evidence in health promotion interventions
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 3 What is a Systematic Review?
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 4 Systematic Reviews Deciding on review question Start with clear question to be answered or hypothesis to be tested May also start with clear question to be answered, but they more often involve general discussion of subject with no stated hypothesis Searching for relevant studies Strive to locate all relevant published and unpublished studies to limit impact of publication and other biases limit impact of publication and other biases Do not usually attempt to locate all relevant literature Deciding which studies to include and exclude Involve explicit description of what types of studies are to be included to limit selection bias on behalf of reviewer Usually do not describe why certain studies are included and others excluded Assessing study quality Examine in systematic manner methods used in primary studies, and investigate potential biases in those studies and sources of heterogeneity between study results Often do not consider differences in study methods or study quality Synthesising study results Base their conclusions on those studies which are most methodologically sound Often do not differentiate between methodologically sound and unsound studies Good quality systematic reviews Traditional narrative reviews
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 5 Jackson et al 2001 Evidence Criteria and Health Promotion Relevance description
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 6 Exercise Balance training Elderly Home assessments & Surveillance Institutional Change InjuryAccident Death Permanent disability Temporary disability Evidence Model (Causality)for Falls prevention among elderly Dietary interventions Personal equipment (After Svanström & Haglund 2000)
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 7 International efforts of systematic reviews of evidence in health promotion interventions History of reviews in HP IUHPE EU initiative based in HollandIUHPE EU initiative based in Holland NHS-CRD 1995 – UKNHS-CRD 1995 – UK Best practice development CanadaBest practice development Canada EPPI UKEPPI UK CDC USCDC US IUHPE EU initiaiveIUHPE EU initiaive COCHRANE CANADA -> AUSTRALIA 2000COCHRANE CANADA -> AUSTRALIA 2000 COCHRANE - CAMBELL 2002COCHRANE - CAMBELL 2002 JACKSON 2001 – CanadaJACKSON 2001 – Canada Cochrane Health Promotion and Public Health Field 2007Cochrane Health Promotion and Public Health Field 2007
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 8 International efforts of systematic reviews of evidence in health promotion interventions IUHPE EU initiative based in Holland 17 Reports
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 9 Part III - International efforts of systematic reviews of evidence in health promotion interventions EPI UK
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 10 Part III - International efforts of systematic reviews of evidence in health promotion interventions IUHPE EU initiative
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 11 Best practice Best practices in health promotion are “those sets of processes and activities that are consistent with health promotion values/goals/ethics, theories/beliefs, evidence, and understanding of the environment, and that are most likely to achieve health promotion goals in a given situation” (Kahan and Goodstadt, 2001)
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 12 Best practice – more info Since March 2002, Michael and Barbara have continued to work on the Best Practices initiative and the Interactive Domain Model of Best Practices — this work is self-funded. To learn about the Best Practices initiative, go to Companion website also includes extensive information on the Best Practices initiative; this website focuses on meeting the needs of those actively involved in the Interactive Domain Model and other best practice initiatives in Canada and worldwide.
Knowledge data bases
E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 14 Knowledge Bases Cochrane Health Promotion and Public Health Field : Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, York, UK: The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co- ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre): The Health Promotion Discovery Tool: Pubmed: Health Evidence Canada Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering: WHO Health Evidence Network: Pubmed
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E-B Health Promotion / II Bo J A Haglund 21 Eppi.ioe.ac.uk
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