Welcome to Mrs. Richardson & 2 nd Grade Class of
School Times Begins: Students allowed to enter 7:10 School 7:30 After 7:30….you are late. Ends: School dismisses at 2:05 for 2 nd graders.
Paperwork!! On your child’s desk there are several papers…please fill out and return TONIGHT...Thank you =) Even if you think you won’t get FREE or REDUCED LUNCH …please fill out completely anyway. Our school gets $$$ for those forms. Thank you….Thank you….Thank you!!!
Daily Schedule 7:10 - 7:30 Arrival/AM work 7:30 - 8:05 RTI- Intervention/Acceleration 8:05 - 9:35 Literacy Block 9:40 – 10:10 Recess/Snack/Bathroom 10: :45 Math Centers 10:50 – 11:30 Specials = M-Music, T- Art, W-Media, T- P.E., F-Science 11: :05 Lunch 12:10 - 1:10 Math Block 1:10 - 1:35 Writing Workshop 1:35 - 2:00 Daily Read Aloud/Pack-up 2:05 Dismissal
A Bit About ME!! I’m Kelly Richardson, your child’s 2 nd Grade Teacher. I’m proud to share that this is my 4 th year teaching here at Rocky Point Elementary!! I am so proud to announce that over the summer my husband & I had our first child...a baby GIRL!!! I graduated from UNCW but am an avid North Chapel Hill Fan!! I enjoy sports of all kinds..I love the Carolina Panthers!! I am married with 2 fabulous dogs…Pookie & Kaine!! I love teaching and making learning fun & exciting!! I hope your child is ready for an AWESOME YEAR!!
Classroom Behavior Here at Rocky Point we participate in the Positive Behavior Support Program. Your child is expected to make good choices while here at school!! In our class your child will receive ram tickets throughout the day when they: do something good, turn in great work, are kind to others, on task, etc. At the end of the day we draw a few names from the jar and those students may choose a prize. At the end of the week we start all over. As a whole group we work towards earning marbles…when the jar is full, well it’s PARTY TIME!!
Consequences If your child chooses to make poor choices: We have the OOPS Book….this is where your child will write their name and why they had to sign the Oops Book. 1 st Time- They will walk 2 laps at recess. 2 nd Time- They will walk 4 laps at recess. 3 rd Time- They will write a letter home explaining what they did, what they should have done and what they can do next time. Then we will contact mom or dad.
Homework Your child will have homework every night. They are also required to READ for 20 minutes. If your child completes all of their homework on Friday…we have the Classroom Café. This is where the children will come back to the classroom and have lunch with me.
Friday Clubs Second Grade participates in Clubs on Fridays. This is for students who have completed all of their homework and have only signed the oops book 1 time or less. So they must complete all homework and they are only allowed to have their name in the OOPS Book 1 time!! Those who have not met this weekly goal will go to the NO CLUBS ROOM to read quietly!! It’s not FUN!
BEE BOOK!! Bring Everything Everyday!! This is your child’s notebook. They will need a 3 ring binder that has a clear sleeve on it. They will need to bring this EVERY DAY with their homework inside. Inside the book you will find many helpful resources: Weekly newsletter (where you will find homework) School calendar 2 nd grade sight word list Reading log…where you will sign and write the name of the book your child has read each night. Any notes or papers that need to go home or to school.
Transportation Please fill out the transportation sheet and make sure I get this back….please!! If you ever need to change your child’s transportation please write a note with the the top.
UNIFORMS Shoes: Tennis Shoes are the only acceptable shoe. Shirts/Tops -- Collared SOLID shirts, free of any logos. -- Shirts must be tucked in at all times. Pants, Shorts, Skorts, Jumpers, Dresses or Skirts. – Black, Blue, Khaki SOLIDS – NO shorter than 3 inches above knee. – No oversize, undersized, sagging or skin tight clothes.
Get READY to have a Great Year in Second Grade!!! Whoop Whoop……