C ULTURAL S ELF -A SSESSMENT What did you learn about yourself?
Are you ready to care for patients from a different culture?
A SK Y OURSELF THESE Q UESTIONS How have you learned to appreciate diversity?
How do you become aware of the spiritual needs of your patients?
Are you aware of religious beliefs that may affect your patient’s medical care?
How do you demonstrate that you are culturally competent?
What have you done in the last few years to increase your self- awareness of cultural diversity?
What can you do to ensure culturally competent care is a part of your nursing practice?
CULTURE IS DYNAMIC - CHANGES CONSTANTLY – Each culture is unique – there is no “best culture”
Q UALITY – 40% All assigned discussion questions were answered completely Posts were on topic and relevant All posts demonstrated a critical analysis of the topic No quality criteria met – 0 points One criterion was met – 8 points Two criteria were met – 24 points Criteria were fully met – 40 points
P ARTICIPATION G UIDELINES - 30% Posts made on time – original post made before day 3 Posts made to each discussion question on at least 3 different days The original post was words or longer No participation criteria met – 0 points One criterion was met - 6 points Two criteria were met - 18 points Criteria were fully met - 30 points
C LARITY AND O RGANIZATION OF W RITING – 20% Posts were organized and made logical sense No spelling or grammatical errors References were used and cited properly Criteria were not met at all - 0 points One criterion was met- 4 points Two criterion were met- 12 points Criteria were fully met- 20 points
P ROFESSIONAL & N ETIQUETTE – 10% Respect and consideration toward peers/instructors Appropriate language Professional use of abbreviations Criteria were not met at all- 0 points One criterion was met- 2 points Two criteria were met- 6 points Criteria were fully met- 10 points
UNIT 3 ASSIGNMENT Culturally Competent Care
W RITE A 2-3 PAGE PAPER IN APA FORMAT A description of findings from your cultural assessment A discussion of both spiritual and ethical issues that you may need to consider in the assessment of culture A plan for realistic steps you can take to improve your ability to deliver culturally competent care. Identify solutions in terms of prevention and management of these problems.
O RGANIZATION AND FORMATTING 40% (24 POINTS POSSIBLE ) Organization 1. Paper or project was organized and well written 2. Ideas were stated clearly and logically 3. Relevance of content
U NIT 3 A SSIGNMENT G RADING R UBRIC Project Content 60% (36 points possible) 1. Cultural Self-Assessment 2. Ethical considerations as part of assessment data collection 3. Spiritual considerations as part of data collection 4. Formulation of a plan for realistic steps to take to improve your ability to deliver culturally competent care
Formatting 1. Course policies formatting guidelines 2. Spelling and grammatical errors