Corrective Action Tommie Kennedy August 22, 2014
AGENDA Corrective Action Discipline vs Performance Management The Disciplinary Form The Coaching Plan Suspension Termination Process
CORRECTIVE ACTION Corrective Action is the process managers should use to help employees correct performance or behavior problems. The goal is to help the employee achieve effective performance. Effective Performance Poor Performance Misconduct Coach/ Counsel Doc Verbal Warning Written Warning Final Written Warning / Coaching Plan Termination Investigation/Suspension
CORRECTIVE ACTION Use Coaching Plan instead of Progressive Discipline for performance management Disciplinary Notice should be used for policy violations/misconduct New requirement to upload documents to UltiPro for tracking and record keeping. No unpaid Suspensions Paid Suspensions may be used only if there is a concern about safety or to conduct an investigation where the employee may interfere in the investigation No involuntary terminations without HR review and approval
DISCIPLINE FORM VS. COACHING PLAN? Progressive Discipline is typically used for: Policy violations Attendance issues Behavior or conduct problems Coaching Plans are used when: Quality or quantity of work does not meet expectations Employee fails to perform assigned tasks
DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Counsel Informal discussions with manager; can become more formal Expectation setting Documented Verbal Warning First formal step in disciplinary process Written Warning Second formal step in disciplinary process Final Written Warning Final formal step in disciplinary process Dependent on issue can be either a Final Warning Statement or a combination of Final Warning and Coaching Plan Successful Completion Document continued expectations Termination At next violation after review and consultation with Human Resources
DISCIPLINARY NOTICE Complete the form with as much detail as possible. List all other documented warnings. Detail the violation or problem, including specifics. Refer to the Policy. Sit with the employee to discuss the violation. Be clear that this is a written warning – if the employee does not correct the problem they may be subject to additional disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Give the employee the opportunity to make comments. Get their commitment to an action plan to correct the problem The employee must sign the document. Scan and Upload to UltiPro.
COACHING PLAN Used to document performance expectations, performance gaps and outline an improvement plan Time Bound – 30/60/90 days Manager and employee must meet frequently and document discussions and progress. No surprises Employee either successfully completes the Coaching Plan or may be terminated for failure to meet the performance standards for the position
COACHING PLAN The Coaching Plan outlines the conversation that you should have with the employee to help them self-correct the performance issue
COACHING PLAN Complete the top with the employee’s details. Clearly define the performance issue. What is the employee not doing or what should they stop doing? Explain the impact the performance issue is having (on the branch/dept., other employees, the customers or on revenue). Explain the performance expectations. Get the employee to commit to an action plan Agree and fill in the follow up dates Date and sign the document. Scan and upload to UltiPro
SUSPENSIONS If you suspend an employee, it will be with pay Suspensions should not be used as a step in the discipline process. It gives the employee time off when we may need the employee to be at work It punishes the company more than the employee Suspensions for Exempt employees should not be without pay Suspensions should only be used when we need to remove the employee from the workplace Concerns about safety In order to conduct an investigation All Suspensions must be reviewed with Human Resources In the case of fear of physical violence, send the employee home and discuss with HR after If you suspend an employee, it will be with pay Keep the suspension short- complete the investigation as quickly as possible
TERMINATIONS No involuntary terminations should occur without review by your HR Business Partner and approval of the Vice President, Human Resources Termination Request should be discussed with the assigned HR Generalist/Business Partner Termination Request and documentation of incident and history must be forwarded to the VP, HR for review and approval
PROCESS CHANGES Use Disciplinary Form for policy violations/Behavior/Conduct issues Use Coaching Plan for performance management Ensure documents are signed. Upload to employee record in UltiPro No unpaid Suspensions No involuntary terminations without HR review and approval
IN SUMMARY When employees are not doing what we need them to do, managers MUST have a conversation to help the employee understand what the expectations are. These conversations must be documented Use the forms to document the conversations, not to “write them up” Upload the completed and signed forms to Human Resources for the employee file. Follow up with the employee, give feedback about their progress and document the progress If you have any questions, please contact your Human Resources team.