Monitored PDPs, Directed PDPs, Discretionary Assistance Plans, Mandatory Improvement Plans What are they? When do I use them? How do I write them?
PURPOSE Assisting teachers to proficiency Remain in this mindset
Monitored PDP When to use? – Teacher rated developing on one or more standards (not elements) on summary evaluation – Not recommended for dismissal, demotion, or non- renewal Who develops? – Teacher and principal develop together – PDP will pre-populate with areas from summative Select top 2 items that will result in most improvement in shortest amount of time
Monitored PDPs contd. When developed? – Start of year based on previous year summative – Conference with teacher and principal – Takes more time than Individual or Directed to write/develop When does it start? – Beginning of year for one school year – Why then? – One school year to reach proficiency
Directed PDPs When to use? – Teacher rated “not demonstrated” on any standard (not element) on summative – Teacher rated “developing” on one or more standards for two consecutive years (does not have to be the same standard) – Not recommended for dismissal, demotion, or non-renewal Who develops? – Principal
Directed PDPs contd. When developed? – Start of year based on previous year summative – Conference with teacher and principal – Principal gives to teacher and reviews When does it start? – Beginning of year for one year – Why then? – One school year or less to reach proficiency (as determined by LEA)
Discretionary Assistance Plans When to use? – During school year as issues arise in relation to performance – Documented evidence on evaluation/observation or other records – Teacher not recommended for dismissal, demotion, or non-renewal Who develops? – Principal (may include teacher)
Discretionary Assistance Plan contd. When is it developed? – As needed during school year – Based on evaluation or observation When does it start? – As needed during school year – Time/dates set by principal but should be at least 60 instructional days – Specific time/date set to reach proficiency LOCAL OPTION ADOPTED BY CCS BOE
Mandatory Improvement Plans When to use? – Teacher rated below proficiency – Not recommended for dismissal, demotion or non-renewal immediately – Monitored or Directed PDP will/have not addressed the issue satisfactorily (determined by superintendent) Who develops? – Principal and HR
Mandatory Improvement Plans When developed? – When monitored and/or directed do not prove successful – When sudden need to document serious issues during school year that could lead to dismissal, non-renewal When does it start? – May be during school year (usually) – Determined by principal and HR
Mandatory Improvement Plans Length? – No less than 60 instructional days – (No less than 90 if low performing school) Qualified Observer – List on HR website in teacher evaluation toolbox KEY – Must be working with HR closely on a Mandatory – Serves as “final” step for possible dismissal, non- renewal
This and That Monitored takes time – allow for this in scheduling conferences All written on areas below proficient ALL prepopulated PDPs will show all elements below proficient – Teachers should put the standard and element being addressed in the first box to clarify – If proficient on the standard, do not have to work on prepopulated elements Mandatory Imp Plan takes priority over PDP
Keys to Success Progression of efforts – Informal (oral) – Written – Plan (Monitored, Directed, Discretionary) – Mandatory Improvement Plan Documentation, documentation, documentation,..... – Very specific and factual – Very detailed
Practice and Application Sample Monitored PDP Sample Directed PDP Sample Discretionary Assistance Plan
McRel Processes Log in to McRel – User ID: principaldemo24 – Password: – Cody, Eder What year teacher (teacher status on summary rating) What kind of plan is he on? How do you know?
Writing Plans for In McRel – Begin with any Directed PDPs – Move to drafts of Monitored PDPs Discretionary – Templates on HR website – Teacher evaluation toolbox Mandatory – Template located in the toolbox