PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
Cimmaron (OLD) Plan4Learning (NEW) Goal Strategy Activities Goal Performance Objective Strategy Description PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
Demographics Student Achievement School Culture and Climate Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Family and Community Involvement School Context and Organization Technology …All to ensure student success! PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
Using AEIS Report, Campus Report Card, and Aware Data, work in groups of 3 to answer questions from the “Demographics” section onto the “Who are We?” spreadsheet. PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
Demographics Strengths:Needs: PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
Teams: Task: 1. Student Achievement- Stacy and Denise 2. School Culture and Climate- Rebecca and Kim 3. Staff Quality, Recruitment and Retention- Liz and Julie 4. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment- Margaret and Kelly 5. Family and Community Involvement- Stacie and Scott 6. School Context and Organization- George and Jessica 7. Technology- Claudia and Melissa Review any available data to help you answer the questions for your assigned section. If more data needs to be collected, say so and suggest ways to collect that data. List needs/strengths for your area based on your answers to the questions, and leave room for suggestions from others. Share out to the rest of the group and allow others to reflect on your targeted area as well. PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
Goal 1: We will ensure rigorous curriculum and relevant learning experiences that promote real life application. Performance Objectives (written in the form of a SMART Goal) Strategy Descriptions (must have hard evidence to measure progress) Goal 2: We will provide flexible learning environments, structures and schedules that meet the needs of 21 st century learners. Performance Objectives (written in the form of a SMART Goal) Strategy Descriptions (must have hard evidence to measure progress PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
S pecific M easureable A ttainable (within one year for performance objectives) R ealistic T imely PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
Attack one goal at a time: 1. We will ensure rigorous curriculum and relevant learning experiences that promote real life application. 2. We will provide flexible learning environments, structures, and schedules that meet the needs of all 21 st century learners. 3. We will develop and promote 21 st century career and college exploration and preparation programs for all students. 4. We will actively recruit, develop and retain a highly qualified staff. 5. We will relentlessly pursue a culturally responsive approach to meaningful parental engagement. 6. We will ensure vital and ongoing relationships with our business and community partners. 7. We will embed appropriate technologies throughout our campus to support both instructional and administrative needs. PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
GOAL 1: WE WILL ENSURE RIGOROUS CURRICULUM AND RELEVANT LEARNING EXPERIENCES THAT PROMOTE REAL LIFE APPLICATION. › Performance Objectives: Review the needs for our campus in this particular area and write Performance Objectives for this goal in SMART Goal format. Strategy Descriptions: What activities will be in place to ensure these performance objectives are met? (There must be HARD evidence to review for task completion.) Assign person/people responsible (1-2) Schedule dates for review of progress PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
GOAL 2: WE WILL PROVIDE FLEXIBLE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, STRUCTURES AND SCHEDULES THAT MEET THE NEEDS OF ALL 21 ST CENTURY LEARNERS. › Performance Objectives: Review the needs for our campus in this particular area and write 3-4 Performance Objectives for this goal in SMART Goal format. Strategy Descriptions: What activities will be in place to ensure these performance objectives are met? (There must be HARD evidence to review for task completion.) Assign person/people responsible (1-2) Schedule dates for review of progress PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
GOAL 3: WE WILL DEVELOP AND PROMOTE 21 ST CENTURY CAREER AND COLLEGE EXPLORATION AND PREPARATION PROGRAMS FOR ALL STUDENTS. › Performance Objectives: Review the needs for our campus in this particular area and write 3-4 Performance Objectives for this goal in SMART Goal format. Strategy Descriptions: What activities will be in place to ensure these performance objectives are met? (There must be HARD evidence to review for task completion.) Assign person/people responsible (1-2) Schedule dates for review of progress PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
GOAL 4: WE WILL ACTIVELY RECRUIT, DEVELOP, AND RETAIN A HIGHLY QUALIFIED STAFF. › Performance Objectives: Review the needs for our campus in this particular area and write 3-4 Performance Objectives for this goal in SMART Goal format. Strategy Descriptions: What activities will be in place to ensure these performance objectives are met? (There must be HARD evidence to review for task completion.) Assign person/people responsible (1-2) Schedule dates for review of progress PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
GOAL 5: WE WILL RELENTLESSLY PURSUE A CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE APPROACH TO MEANINGFUL PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT. › Performance Objectives: Review the needs for our campus in this particular area and write 3-4 Performance Objectives for this goal in SMART Goal format. Strategy Descriptions: What activities will be in place to ensure these performance objectives are met? (There must be HARD evidence to review for task completion.) Assign person/people responsible (1-2) Schedule dates for review of progress PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
Goal 6: WE WILL ENSURE VITAL AND ONGOING RELATIONSHIPS WITH OUR BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY PARNERS. › Performance Objectives: Review the needs for our campus in this particular area and write 3-4 Performance Objectives for this goal in SMART Goal format. Strategy Descriptions: What activities will be in place to ensure these performance objectives are met? (There must be HARD evidence to review for task completion.) Assign person/people responsible (1-2) Schedule dates for review of progress PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
GOAL 7: WE WILL EMBED APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGIES THROUGHOUT THE CAMPUS TO SUPPORT BOTH INSTRUCTIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE NEEDS. › Performance Objectives: Review the needs for our campus in this particular area and write 3-4 Performance Objectives for this goal in SMART Goal format. Strategy Descriptions: What activities will be in place to ensure these performance objectives are met? (There must be HARD evidence to review for task completion.) Assign person/people responsible (1-2) Schedule dates for review of progress PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
Can be used as: › A monthly journal of improvement planning activities in order to make adjustments for next year › A record of progress where grade team leaders, department chairs, or any other staff can report progress on a particular goal or strategy › To keep SBDM meeting minutes PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
Review Shared Mission, Vision and Shared Values page from Plan4Learning Revise Mission and Vision Statement as needed Shared values can come from previous CIP’s belief statements PowerPoint by Stacy Williams
You have completed your campus improvement plan with the exception of the budgetary information. Remember that this plan is always up for review and revision, so keep good notes throughout the year so Shaw can continue to improve year after year. PowerPoint by Stacy Williams