Unit 3 Spellcab
1. somber ˈ sämbər/ Adj.-gloomy or depressing Rainy days always put me in a somber mood.
2. sotto voce ˌ sädō ˈ vōCHē/ Adv.- in a quiet voice, as if not to be overheard. “It won’t be cheap,” he added sotto voce.
3. mausoleum ˌ môsə ˈ lēəm, ˌ môzə ˈ lēəm/ Noun - A burial place usually in the form of a small building. My grandmother is buried in a mausoleum.
4. surreptitiously sur·rep·ti·tious·ly Adverb -to do secretly or stealthily. Example - The sniper snuck surreptitiously to his next location.
5. surveyed sər ˈ vā/ Verb -To take a general view of, as in a situation or area. Example - I surveyed the class to see who was absent.
6. uttered ˈ ədər/ Verb -to express oneself with words. Example - She uttered the words to the spell.
7. loquacious lō ˈ kwāSHəs/ Adjective -talkative; babbling Example - We have some loquacious students in our class.