Pick any two that you choose! C onnect Word Spiders - Word Webs Word Spiders - Word Webs O rganize Three Way Tie Three Way Tie D eep Process Cinquain Cinquain E xercise Parawriting Parawriting
Connect- Word Spider or Word Web First New Deal
Organize- Three Way Tie Vocabulary Word 1 Vocabulary Word 3 Vocabulary Word 2 Write a sentence that uses words 1 and 3. Write a sentence that uses words 2 and 3. Write a sentence that uses words 1 and 3. Write a sentence that uses words 1 and 3.
Deep Processing- Cinquain Noun (Vocabulary) Two Adjectives Three Action Verbs Four Word Sentence One Ending Word Dust Bowl Hot, Dry Drought, Starvation, Hunger A Very Rough Area Harsh
Exercise Para-writing Write a paragraph using at least 5 to 15 vocabulary words. Each word must be embedded meaningfully into the paragraph. Each paragraph needs to be at LEAST 4-6 sentences long. An example of a sentence might be: Hoovervilles“ Hoovervilles were villages of shacks during the great depression which many thought Herbert Hoover created.”