Rohde & Schwarz Topex TOPEX SoftSwitch July 2011
Content l TOPEX multiSWITCH overview l TOPEX multiSWITCH main features l WEB management interface l Class 4 features l Class 4 application l Wholesale switching l VoIP-GSM termination l Class 5 features l Class 5 / centrex services l Prepaid and billing module
TOPEX multiSwitch overview ❙ Topex multiSWITCH is a carrier-class softswitch solution ❙ Provides call-control, multiple services and types of signaling ❙ Scales up to several millions BHCA ❙ Complete NGN solution - Topex SMG ❙ In terms of TDM – all CLASS4 and CLASS5 features
TOPEX multiSwitch main features l Advanced routing engine: time based LCR, ASR, ACD, priority, percentage, several routes with fail-over, route capacity, custom routes l SIP and H323 signaling modules according to the user needs and infrastructure l ACL – Access Control List – Black List / White List for a specified range of IP address, number of minutes, number of concurrent calls, CPS, maximum cost l Statistics on ASR, ACD, Call Failure Rate, total calls, total time, number of successful calls l Call rate limitation
Web management interface l Web based interface for operation, administration and management l Create or modify routing classes, user privileges, delete and manage call settings, reset passwords ❙ Contains the list of clients from the data base ❙ Allows the routing process definition: incoming and outgoing routes ❙ Billing modules implementation both for Class 4 and Class 5 ❙ Users management, server management, account properties and address book for Class 5 SIP users
Class 4 features ❙ Signaling converter module – allows call conversion from SIP and H323 and vice-versa ❙ RTP and SIP NAT Traversal ❙ Hosted Services – allows resellers to use a fraction of multiSwitch capabilities to provide IP services for residential subscribers ❙ CLASS 4 billing module – provides accurate invoice details, reports and call records and chooses the best system for group billing ❙ Operators (hosted resellers) can generates invoices for peering partners
Class 4 - Wholesale switching l Wholesale providers which routes the traffic to partner carriers l Makes profit from the price difference between origination and termination parts External IP Network multiSwitch Wholesale Carrier IP Network H.323 SIP Carrier 1 multiSwitch SS7 PSTN E1 VoIP Gateway Carrier 2 multiSwitch SS7 PSTN E1 VoIP Gateway Carrier 3
Class 4 – VoIP/GSM termination l Low cost for long distance calls l Mobile or fixed telephone termination l The traffic is routed from the softswitch to the proper gateway l Modularity, scalability and the wide range of signaling protocols through TOPEX Signaling and Media Gateways range
Class 5 features l SIP Proxy / Registrar and residential services for subscribers l Prepaid Calling cards – advanced application for clients identifiable through PIN code which provides an convenient and flexible solution for service providers l IVR – predefined prompt messages for select language, available time for calls or available credit l Centrex services – subscribers from a certain location can make calls on short numbers to subscribers from a different location l Class 5 Billing – generates invoices for subscribers including: time interval, due date, client name and description l RADIUS interconnection with 3 rd party billing servers
Class 5 / Centrex Services ❙ CLASS5/Centrex telephony services: ❙ CallForward, CallPickup, CallHunting, CallForking, CallWaiting, CallHold/Retrieve, Callback, Wake-up, etc… ❙ Multiple aliases for each account ❙ Voic and Voic 2 services ❙ Fax2 and 2fax ❙ Centrex groups and subgroups ❙ Web agenda for each user ❙ Click2Dial ❙ E-payment
Prepaid & Billing module ❙ Identification by PIN and ANI ❙ Play credit ❙ Play time ❙ PDF generated invoices ❙ Multiple Rate Tables: ❙ By call direction ❙ By call traffic ❙ Traffic volume limitation ❙ Redefinition of billing time-intervals ❙ Web billing module
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