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成才之路 · 高中新课程 · 学习指导 · 外研版 · 英语 · 必修 4 Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication Body Language and Nonverbal Communication Module 1
成才之路 · 高中新课程 · 学习指导 · 外研版 · 英语 · 必修 4 Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication 背 景 e 站 链 接
成才之路 · 高中新课程 · 学习指导 · 外研版 · 英语 · 必修 4 Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication 不同国家有不同的体态语言,体态语言在不同的文化背景 下表达的含义相同吗?读读下面的文字,你一定会有所了解和 收获!
成才之路 · 高中新课程 · 学习指导 · 外研版 · 英语 · 必修 4 Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication, often even more powerful than spoken language. Although we may not realize it when we talk with others, we make ourselves understood not only by words. We send messages to the people around us also by expressions 1 and body movements. We call it “ body language ” , which is a kind of communication — non verbal communication. People around the world show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud. A smile and handshake show welcome, waving one's hand is to say “ goodbye ” , nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement. Putting up a hand
成才之路 · 高中新课程 · 学习指导 · 外研版 · 英语 · 必修 4 Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication means “ May I ask a question ? ”. Kissing means “ love ”. Waving one's arms shows happiness. These gestures are accepted both by Chinese and Americans as having the same meanings. With so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities 2 in body language. We can often be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing 3 thing that we understand each other as well as we do. Not all cultures greet each other in the same way , nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. These actions are not good or bad, but are simple ways in which cultures have developed. In general, though, studying international 4 customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in today's world of cultural crossroads 5.
成才之路 · 高中新课程 · 学习指导 · 外研版 · 英语 · 必修 4 Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication 知识点击 1 . expression n .表情 2.similarity n .相似,相似性 3 . amazing adj. 令人惊异的 4.international adj. 国际的 5 . crossroads n .十字路口;岔道
成才之路 · 高中新课程 · 学习指导 · 外研版 · 英语 · 必修 4 Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication 自主探究 判断正误 (T/F) 。 1 . We communicate with others not only by words, but also by body language.( ) 2 . People around the world have the same body language in different cultures.( ) 3 . People can understand each other in most different cultures.( ) 4 . Learning about international customs can help people understand each other better.( ) 答案: 1 ~ 4 TFTT