Your app in need is your friend indeed
Ensures safety Free download Suitable for all phones It’s user friendly
Install this app from App Store (free download!!) Press the power button thrice (for smart phones) / press the number button 3 (for general phones) An auto message will be delivered to your 5 emergency contacts and an automated call to the nearest police station along with your location PS: Make sure your GPS is on! Targeted audience: Those who need social security so basically this app is for everyone
15% of our total profit is for the programmers who created this app 27% of our profit is for the marketing which includes: - TVC (9%) - RDC (3%) - Websites (11%) - Billboard (3%) - Newspaper (1%) 6% of our total profit is for the websites where our app is for free Our management cost is 4% from the total revenue
Television commercials FM radio Billboards Social networking sites Leading major websites Viral videos (YouTube) Online (blog, app review websites, goggle search results, Facebook, app of the day service,.etc)
Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat Strength: we are providing social security Weakness: those who don’t have internet cannot use this app. Moreover this app cannot be shared Opportunity: Government security isn’t reliable so we provide trustworthy digitized security Threat: lots of apps are taking initiative of providing personal security
Bachao Available for all sorts of phones (smart phones + normal phones) Our app is free Sends a text to 5 close/reliable contacts and an automated call to the nearest police station along with the location of the victim Okapia Available only in Okapia phones Dak They charge a specific amount of money to download the app Auto sends a text to 2 emergency contacts