Supporting a growing European community of interest in using data to improve education & training in schools, universities & the workplace Sally Reynolds, ATiT EDEN Budapest, June 2016
Mission Spread information about best practice in the effective use of learning analytics Build knowledge and skills amongst educational practitioners related to the ethical handling of data Help shape future European research and innovation actions in this field FP7 CSA – 30 months, Jan 14 – June 16
1.Data standards 2.Interoperability 3.Privacy & Ethics 4.Analytic skills 5.Evidence base CC-BY: Brad Downey, Hamburg - unurth | street art Working on shared issues between sectors
Creating an Evidence Hub Propositions: A.Learning analytics improve learning outcomes B.Learning analytics improve learning support and teaching, including retention, completion and progression C.Learning analytics are taken up & used widely, including deployment at scale D.Learning analytics are used in an ethical way More than 100 potential sources identified and scrutinised – mostly HE LACE has identified a surprisingly weak evidence base for the field. Will continue to be supported by Open University
Sector activities: Schools, HE & Workplace Knowledge transfer workshops (almost 3000 direct contacts) LinkedIn members (443) LACE Review Articles Blog posts and Newsletters Key Events LAK14, LAK15, LAK16 BETT (London, January 2016) Spring Briefing Brussels
Who we are now (51+ Ass. Partners) 6 LACE Network LACE Consortium
Useful resources and outcomes DELICATE Checklist Evidence hub Video, FAQs and information resources