Project Task Leaders: Project management; MS capacity analysis; liaison with LRTAP, CCC & WGI, WGII In-country review; liaison with IPCC & E-PRTR Innovation, and liaison with WG III INSPIRE issues
Objectives: 1.Identify opportunities to streamline reporting under EU level air and climate change instruments. 2.Develop streamlining scenarios to guide and facilitate coherent developments in reporting requirements in the future (road map) 3.Formulate recommendations for further improvement of the MM 280/2004/EC which improve data quality, minimize burdens on Member States and introduce innovation that will enable better future use of reported data
Scope 1.Monitor Decision 280/2004/EC 2.NEC Directive 2001/81/EC 3.Reporting to CLTRAP 4.EU ETS 2003/87/EC 5.E-PRTR 166/2006/EC 6.IPPC Directive 96/61/EC 7.Fuel quality directive 8.Monitoring CO2 from new cars 9.Fluorinated greenhouse gases 842/ Ozone depleting substances 2037/ Aarhus Convention
Streamlining opportunities 1.Terminology 2.Temporal and spatial scales 3.Reporting methodologies 4.Reporting deadlines 5.Submission procedures 6.Infrastructure in the countries Competent authorities Responsibilities Resources
Benefits of Streamlining Cost, time and quality of reporting (and compliance testing) Timeliness Cost- Effectiveness Quality Consistency
Streamlining Project - Tasks
Project Time Table October 07 Mar 08 Dec 07 April 08 Jun 08 July 08
Task 1 – Identify inter-related reporting The outputs of Task 1 will be a Background Document: Describing the current status of emissions and projections reporting, and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of present systems, Identifying (and quantifying where possible) the obligations, costs and practical reporting issues for both data-requesting and data-providing parties. Identifying the obligations for providing data under other legislation and policies (e.g. INSPIRE) Presenting initial stakeholder mapping including responsibilities and linkages within and across legislation.
Hierarchy of policy instruments ? MM; NECD ETS EPRTR IPPC WID LCP… National Reporting Sub-National Reporting Specific Reporting Enabling national reporting SED
Task 2 – MS capacity Analysis Enquiry The outputs of Task2 will include: Question sets for visits and a questionnaire for the remaining countries. Input to the Interim Report from: o Visit reports for 12 countries; o Questionnaires for the remaining 15 countries; o Information for the 27 country briefs.
Task 3 – Refine the Strategy The outputs of Task 3 will include: A documented strategy, together with a schedule, with the options to align the legal instruments, currently under review, that bear on the EU and Member States to reflect better reporting procedures; Identifying any other legal instruments that should be revised – with an indication of the issues to consider in assessing the costs and impacts; A strategy for advocating the use of better reporting procedures with liaison groups; A paper describing better reporting practice and tools and initiatives that might be used - including IT based tools – and R&D recommendations.
Utopia TCCCA = 100% for: 1.Emission inventory data 2.Projections data 3.Point source data 4.Policies and measures 5.Activity data
Project vision
Task 4 - Advise on revision of the Monitoring mechanism The outputs of Task 3 will include: Suggested text for inclusion in a revised MM decision. Explanatory text suitable for use any preamble prepared to support the introduction of a Commission proposal to Member States. An estimation of the likely costs and impacts of the options presented.
Task 5 - Strengthen MS infrastructure The outputs of Task 5 will include: Information for the final report and country briefs on the reporting practice in countries, common problems, areas and opportunities for streamlining etc.; Presentational materials for training sessions and meetings with other groups; Improved communication within the emissions reporting community.
Communication 1.CIRCA Website 2.With the Commission – manage priotities 3.Engage with MS (technical/political level) 4.Deal with comments to draft docu,ents
Working groups liaison and points of contact
Basis for monitoring – Annex III Member States shall establish their emission inventories and projections using the methodologies specified in Annex III. Annex III: Member States shall establish inventories and projections using the methodologies agreed upon by the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and are requested to use the joint EMEP-Corinair Guidebook in preparing these inventories and projections Update of Annex III possible by comitology. Draft Monitoring Decision available;
New Annex III /81/EC Key provisions of voluntary CLTRAP Guidelines will be binding: Member States shall: use the EMEP/Corinair Guidebook (latest version) Apply certain calculation methods Use certain reporting formats Provide a National Inventory Report
National Emission Ceilings Directive 2001/81/EC Obligations for Member States Member States have to their respect national emission ceilings for SO 2, NO x, VOC’s and NH 3 by 2010 and later years. New ceilings for those substances and PM2.5 for 2020 and later years. Member States report each year their national emission inventories and their emission projections for Extra substances: TSP, PM10, CO (HM and POPs?) Projections every 2 years for ceiling-substances for 2020 and every new 10 years period Deadline: 31 December. Final emissions for the previous year but one and their provisional emissions for the previous year. New deadline: 15 January