Photo-Realism: The Impassionate Lens In the seventies, a revival of realistic art began in California and spread throughout the United States & Canada. Various commercial art techniques were used: airbrush, photography, spray and other materials. Rooted in genre art and Pop art of the fifties. Approach is cool and intellectual (unemotional) – reflects aspects of contemporary North American life (1970’s-80’s).
29. Chuck Close. Linda. ( ) Acrylic and pencil on canvas.
Chuck Close’s self portraits – then and now… Airbrushing with acrylics…
Ink Fingerprints… Pixel images using rings of acrylic paint…
Close is currently experimenting with photography…
30. Duane Hanson. Tourists II. (1988) Fibreglass and mixed media.
Other Photo-Realists… Alex Colville
Mark Jenkins
Ron Mueck