Paul Gauguin Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin was a leading Post-Impressionist painter. His bold experimentation with coloring led directly to the Synthetist style of modern art while his expression of the inherent meaning of the subjects in his paintings, under the more..more..
“ Paul Gauguin:I am a great artist and I know it. It's because of what I am that I have endured so much suffering, so as to pursue my vocation, otherwise I would consider myself a rogue — which is what many people think I am, for that matter. Oh well, what difference does it make. What upsets me the most is not so much the poverty as the things that perpetually get in the way of my art, which I cannot carry out the way I feel and which I would carry out if it weren't for the poverty that is like a straitjacket. You tell me I am wrong to stay away from the artist[ic] center. No, I am right; I've known for a long time what I am doing and why I am doing it. My artistic center is in my brain and nowhere else, and I am strong because I am never thrown off-course by other people and because I do what is in me. #Arts and Artists#Arts and Artists
“ Paul Gauguin:Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge. #Dreams #Dreams
“ Paul Gauguin:You have long known what I have tried to establish: the right to dare everything; yet the difficulty I have had finding enough money to live on has been too great, and my capacities have not produced a very big result but the mechanism has got underway nevertheless. The public does not owe me anything because the pictorial work I have done is only relatively good, but the painters who benefit from that freedom today do owe me something. #Goals#Goals
“ Paul Gauguin:Many people say that I don't know how to draw because I don't draw particular forms. When will they understand that execution, drawing and color (in other words, style) must be in harmony with the poem? #Poetry and Poets#Poetry and Poets
“ Paul Gauguin: Art requires philosophy, just as philosophy requires art. Otherwise, what would become of beauty? #Philosophers and Philosophy #Philosophers and Philosophy
“ Paul Gauguin:No one wants my painting because it is different from other people's — peculiar, crazy public that demands the greatest possible degree of originality on the painter's part and yet won't accept him unless his work resembles that of the others! #Arts and Artists#Arts and Artists
“ Paul Gauguin:Copying nature — what is that supposed to mean? Follow the masters! But why should one follow them? The only reason they are masters is that they didn't follow anybody! #Imitation#Imitation
“ Paul Gauguin: Life has no meaning unless one lives it with a will, at least to the limit of one's will. Virtue, good, evil are nothing but words, unless one takes them apart in order to build something with them; they do not win their true meaning until one knows how to apply them. #Life, Lust For#Life, Lust For
“ Paul Gauguin:In art, all who have done something other than their predecessors have merited the epithet of revolutionary and it is they alone who are masters. #Revolutions and Revolutionaries#Revolutions and Revolutionaries
“ Paul Gauguin:I shut my eyes in order to see. #Marriage#Marriage
“ Paul Gauguin:D'où venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous? #Media#Media
“ Paul Gauguin: I have always wanted a mistress who was fat, and I have never found one. To make a fool of me, they are always pregnant. #Obesity#Obesity
“ Paul Gauguin: We never really know what stupidity is until we have experimented on ourselves. #Stupidity#Stupidity
“ Paul Gauguin: The missionary is no longer a man, a conscience. He is a corpse, in the hands of a confraternity, without family, without love, without any of the sentiments that are dear to us. Emasculated, in a sense, by his vow of chastity, he offers us the distressing spectacle of a man deformed and impotent or engaged in a stupid and useless struggle with the sacred needs of the flesh, a struggle which, seven times out of ten, leads him to sodomy, the gallows, or prison. #Missionaries#Missionaries
“ Paul Gauguin:A great sentiment can be rendered immediately. Dream on it and look for the simplest form in which you can express it. #Dreams#Dreams
“ Paul Gauguin:How long have I been here? Henceforward for? I shall not know. For I have been traveling for too long. My bones too weary to remember my age. Hence, how long have I been here? Thou shalt never know. #Time and Time Management#Time and Time Management
“ Paul Gauguin:In order to produce something new, you have to return to the original source, to the childhood of mankind. #Originality#Originality
“ Paul Gauguin:I must confess that I too am a woman and that I am always prepared to applaud a woman who is more daring than I, and is equal to a man in fighting for freedom of behavior. #Freedom#Freedom
“ Paul Gauguin: Art is either plagiarism or revolution. #Arts and Artists#Arts and Artists
“ Paul Gauguin:With this painting, I tried to make everything breathe faith, quiet suffering, religious and primitive style and great nature with its scream. #Faith#Faith
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