Neutropenic sepsis Dr Christopher Dalley Consultant Haematologist
Causes of neutropenia Chemotherapy/other drugs/radiotherapy Haematologic cancer Aplastic anaemia Connective tissue disorders
How do you grade neutropenia? Mild Neutrophils x10 9 /L Moderate Neutrophils x10 9 /L Severe Neutrophils <0.5x10 9 /L
Important Point! “Risk of infection increases with duration and severity of neutropenia”
Neutropenic sepsis: Background Potentially fatal complication of anticancer therapy Most cases present in community Mortality ranges from 2-20% Should be considered as medical/haematologic emergency
How do we reduce the risk of neutropenic sepsis? Patient & Carer Written information and oral information Neutropenic sepsis Who to contact if unwell- 24hr helpline How and when to seek emergency care Prophylactic antibiotic Fluroquinolone to cover periods of severe neutropenia
How do we reduce the risk of neutropenic sepsis? Secondary and tertiary care Suspect neutropenic sepsis in pts on chemotherapy or with haematologic cancer who are unwell Review patients with febrile neutropenia promptly and prioritise their care
Case based discussion Male aged 67 yrs Completed oral chemo for chronic leukaemia 10 days ago Woke up this morning with aches in muscles Took his temp at home 37.8 o C, Advised to go to A&E by haematology day ward nurse
Managing neutropenic sepsis in secondary and tertiary care Emergency treatment and assessment Treat suspected neutropenic sepsis as a medical emergency Offer empiric antibiotics therapy immediately Do not assume, check it has been given! Include clinical assessment of patient History and examination Are they hypoxic? What’s the temperature? What is the Bp? Are they shut down? Are they passing urine? Inx FBC/Cultures/U&E/Coag/Lactate/CXR
Antibiotics Commence iv Tazocin 4.5g 6hrly Do ensure the first dose is given within the 1 st hr of presentation Add in gentamicin 5mg/Kg (max 400mg) if hypotensive Add in Teicoplanin 400mg bd for 3 doses then od if line sepsis thought likely
Antibiotics If penicillin alllergic Don’t use Tazocin, Start iv Ceftazadime 2g tds
Antibiotics If still febrile at 48hrs Consider starting Teicoplanin to cover gram pos organisms if not already started Consider starting iv Mereopenem 1g tds and stopping Taz If febrile at 96 hrs Start Voriconazole and book HRCT chest
Supportive care IV fluids Hypotension Blood products Keep platelets above 20x10 9 /L Growth factor G-CSF
Escalate! Ask for Haematology/Oncology advice and review Ask for Microbiology advice Ask for early HDCU Outreach review
Summary Neutropenic sepsis is a medical emergency Always take febrile neutropenia seriously Start antibiotics quickly, and continue to prioritise their care and continue to review