3 III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES E) LAB REPORTS School in such courses as science, engineering, psychology Technical Communication in such organizations as hospitals, engineering firms, computer companies
4 III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES E) LAB REPORTS VARY in format from company to company from Tech. Comm. instructor to TC instructor perhaps more than any other type of Informal Report * Check Your Organization’s Preferred Format! *
5 III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES E) LAB REPORTS description of work done in the laboratory internal or external simple or complicated
6 III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES E) LAB REPORTS Topics = purpose of the work equipment problems results implications
7 III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES E) LAB REPORTS a Lab Report can be submitted as – its own free-standing report part of a larger report that uses Lab Work as supporting detail
8 III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES E) LAB REPORTS ABC Format Abstract purpose of writing summary of results
9 III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES E) LAB REPORTS ABC Format Body purpose or hypothesis of lab work equipment needed
10 III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES E ) LAB REPORTS ABC Format Body procedures or methods used in lab test THUS writers rely heavily upon the Process-Analysis pattern of organization
11 III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES E) LAB REPORTS ABC Format Body unusual problems or occurrences results of the test with reference to your expectations results may appear in the Conclusion, instead
12 III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES E) LAB REPORTS ABC Format Conclusion statement or restatement of main results implications of lab test for further work