Disease “X” Case Presentation Template
Chief Complaint (CC) state 1 main reason seeking medical attention
Differential Dx after CC?
History of Present Illness (HPI) 1 or 2 explanations why individual is seeking medical help
HPI: What do you want to know regarding the Hx.?
HPI give rest of story (history) of why patient seeking medical attention, i.e. answer all of the history questions
Differential Dx after HPI?
Physical Exam (PE): What part of Physical Exam should be done?
Physical Exam list actual physical exam that should be done with the results photos of PE findings
Differential Dx after PE?
Labs & Tests: Which should be done?
Lab & Test Results (Show Results of tests that should be done) lab test levels & radiologic images
Differential Dx after Labs/Tests:
Impression ?
Final Diagnosis State the Final Diagnosis
Treatment State what treatment is needed Photos of treatments & surgeries
Followup list the appropriate follow up for your diagnosis