HuQAS Proficiency testing Scheme - A necessity in continuous quality improvement Michael Kamiru
Objectives Define Proficiency Testing (PT) Describe HuQAS PT process Detail the benefits of participating in HuQAS PT schemes Use of HuQAS PT reports for improvement Discuss the commitment of all players in the scheme
Definition of PT “A program in which multiple samples are periodically sent to members of a group of laboratories for analysis and/or identification; whereby each laboratory’s results are compared with those of other laboratories in the group and/or with an assigned value, and reported to the participating laboratories and others.” CLSI GP27-A2 27:8
PT benefits Standards Accreditation Regulation The Medical Laboratory The Lab as a whole Lab personnel Patient Physician/ Hpt director
PT process Laboratory Analyze Evaluation PT performance report Return results PT samples sent 3 times an year Receive PT report Corrective Actions
HuQAS PT Process PT Sample Temporary StorageDispatch AnalysisResult SubmissionReport Continuous Improvement
Program Subscription Participating labs Analytes Programs Countries Collaborating members Reliability
Enrollment Year No of Participants
Participation in various programs
HuQAS Reports-1 Easy to understand summary evaluation reports that captures: SD Mean (assigned value) SDI peer group information. 24/7 online access to reports including 2 years historical reports.
HuQAS Reports-2 24/7 online access to 9 additional reports such as : participation stats comparison failed results report historical results results by Instrument, results by analytes. Color graphs that illustrate results performance over the last 12 months and the % total Error over the last 3 years for effective spotting of trends and shifts.
HuQAS PT reports Helps the laboratory to assess its performance in terms of accuracy and precision Ability to compare the performance of the lab with other labs using the same testing platforms Helps the laboratory to monitor their performance overtime
HuQAS PT Performance report displaying accuracy and Precision SDI- Measure of Accuracy % CV- Measure of Precision
Monitoring PT performance Allows the lab to take preventive measures/Reveals the impact of corrective action Goal Symbol represent your results Test events
Taking quality steps together HuQAS Commitment Providing quality test material Regular report with rapid TAT Creating educational and training forums Staying abreast of PT needs Laboratory Commitment Following instructions as provided by PT Providers Meet the set TAT Discuss PT reports with lab mgt. Use PT reports to direct improvement efforts communicate any problem noted ASAP to PT Provider Advice mgt on programmes of interest to the institution Lab Management Commitment Provide required resource Monitor & discuss PT reports with lab staff
Key Messages PT should help direct improvement efforts PT is a responsibility of everyone in the laboratory PT has to be carried out within the context of a complete system for appropriate quality in the lab PT is a regulatory requirement for laboratories seeking accreditation