Procedure 1 Click(left) [Devices and Printers] [Refer to User Guide: p.44 for detailed explanations.]
Click(right) on the printer you would like to use. [Refer to User Guide: p.44 for detailed explanations.]
Click (left) on Print Set and a color dialog box. [Refer to User Guide: p.73 for detailed explanations.]
Set adjustment method to [Photo]. [Refer to User Guide: p.73 for detailed explanations.] Key point!: Usually to print both Photo/Graphic and text image, [Photo] is the best selection!
Set print quality to [ 1200 dpi]. [Refer to User Guide: p.74 for detailed explanations.] Key point!: In order to get the most of Swiftcolor specification, set the input resolution to 1200dpi.