Read-alouds Think-alouds Mental Modeling What ever you call it….. its Metacognition Demonstrated
What is a Read-aloud, Think- aloud or a Mental Modeling? It is a demonstration lesson where the teacher reads and/or THINKS aloud the metacognitive process of a fluent reader/thinker while the class observes.
Think-alouds are based on the work of Vy Vygotsky. We spend most teaching time teaching the WHAT, not the HOW. Vygotsky felt we need to teach students how to participate fully in the learning by giving them the same keys that content experts use when they read for meaning. Vygotsky challenged Piagetian thinking regarding developmental readiness by stating that supportive instruction overturns developmental obstacles. (These findings are also supported by Hillock 1995 and Bloom 1976,1985)
While the Think-aloud begins at the lowest level of the Gradual Release of Responsibility spectrum, it is a powerful teaching strategy to use at ALL levels and in ALL CONTENT. NOTE: Many teachers think they are demonstrating thinking by simply reading a novel or story aloud. That is NOT a true Think-aloud unless metacognition is being demonstrated.
Any thinking strategy may be used during class “story time”, however if the teacher wishes to teach a think-aloud strategy through to an independent level in the learner, then the demonstration must be explicit, purposeful, and involve no more than 3 strategies at a time.
As you plan….. A KEY POINT Regardless of the age of the learner, 3 elements to master at once are all the learner can handle without sensory overload and needless confusion. So, as you plan the mental strategies you want to focus on …..choose to work with no more than 3 at a time.
Use Before Reading to provide background information or vocabulary to understand the concept of theme of the text. to start the predictions, introduce a lesson and set the purpose. BE QUICK, BE SIMPLE at this stage.
Use During Reading to re-phase a concept, or vocabulary to hit a teaching point to model and scaffold, both a comprehension strategy, or a writing trait.
Read it fluently, stopping at key spots to model thinking aloud. Encourage the students to interact with you and text if appropriate. Model that you are noticing key points, problem solve your thinking aloud. Use the text to provide practice for key points.
to check understanding of text and concepts. to reinforce strategies and vocabulary or teaching points to retell or complete organizers graphically to connect to writing Use After Reading
6 Recursive Steps of Explicit Instruction Teacher explains WHAT a strategy consists of. Teacher explains WHY this strategy is important. Teacher explains WHEN to use in actual practice....or where the “tipoff” to use this occurs....
Teacher MODELS HOW to perform the strategy in actual context while students observe. Teacher GUIDES LEARNER PRACTICE through increasingly challenging examples. Students INDEPENDENTLY USE the strategy. (6 Steps Developed by Taylor, Harris, Pearson, Garcia 1995)
Benefits of using Read alouds,Think-alouds, Mental Modeling One of the most important reading success factors are whether the child has been read to in a metacognitive, think-aloud manner.
It builds listening and comprehension skills through the discussions that occur during and after. It increases learner vocabulary by hearing the words in context. It improves memory and language skills with the act of hearing different writing styles and paraphrases.
It exposes them to information from the world around them. It stimulates the development of broad interests, imagination and creativity. It builds and fosters inquiry.
Final note The think-aloud as a teaching strategy helps to level the playing field for many students needing differentiated instruction, especially at the higher grades.
It shows the student a demonstration of how the thinking looks and sounds in the given content. By being given both auditory and visual input, along with modeling and interaction, there are more opportunitie s for the concepts to be mastered.
Resource for more info: Improving Comprehension with Think-aloud Strategies, Jeffrey D. Wilhelm PH.D., Scholastic Professional Books, 2001