Environmental issues: Burial. Overcrowded graveyards. MADE BY YAUSHEVA ANGELA
Content 1) Prehistory 2) Current situation 3) Possible solutions
Words & Collocations Medical facilities – медицинское оборудование Fertility treatment – лечение бесплодия Population Density – плотность населения Maternal mortality rate – коэффициент материнской смертности Infant mortality rate – коэффициент младенческой смертности Life expectancy at birth – ожидаемая продолжительноть жизни при рождении Putrefy – разлагаться Decay product – продукты распада Percolating ground water – перколяционные грунтовые воды Porous soil type – пористый тип почвы Decompositional seepage – декомпозиционное просачивание Waterborne disease – водная болезнь
Problem of Overpopulation YearNumber of peopleGap billion billion123 years billion33 years billion14 years billion13 years billion12 years BILLION12 years
12 October, 1999 – The Day of 6 billion 31 October, 2011 – The Day of 7 billion
The Causes of Overpopulation Decline in the Death Rate Immigration Better Medical Facilities More hands to overcome poverty Lack of Family Planning Technological Advancement in Fertility Treatment
List of Countries and Dependencies ranked by Human Population Density
Country (or dependent territory Area (km²)Area (mi²)PopulationDensity (pop./km²) Density (pop./mi²) Date Macau (China) ,00020,06951,978December 31, 2012 Monaco 2136,13618,06846,796December 31, 2012 Singapore ,399,2007,66919,863July 1, 2013 Hong Kong (China) 1, ,173,9006,51616,876December 31, 2012 Gibraltar (UK) 7329,7524,25011, Vatican City 0,440,178001,8184, Malta ,0551,3213,421November 20,2011
Birth rate. Date of information: 2013 CountryBirths/1,000 population Niger 46,84 Mali 46,06 Uganda 44,50 Burkina Faso 42,81 Zambia 42,79 Somalia 41,45 Burundi 40,04
Death rate. Date of Information: 2013 CountryDeaths/1,000 population South Africa 17,36 Ukraine 15,75 Lesotho 15,02 Chad 14,85 Guinea-Bissau 14,77 Central African Republic 14,42 Afghanistan 14,35
Russia (2013) Population growth rate -0,02%199 Birth rate 12,11 births/ 1,000 population165 Death rate 13,97 deaths/ 1,000 population 10 Maternal mortality rate 34 deaths/ 100,000 live births120 Infant mortality rate 7,19 deaths/ 1,000 live births120 Life expectancy at birth 69,85 years152 Total fertility rate 1,61 children/ woman178 FACTORRESULTCOUNTRY COMPARISON TO THE WORLD
Solutions to the problem
China – “Pay for the grave”
Hong Kong – “Floating Eternity”
USA – “Space Burial: from the stars we are born, to the stars we will return” “Celetis Memorial Spaceflights” (Florida) Moon burial - $ To orbit Earth and burn up in the atmosphere - $3000 Ordinary - $995
UK – “Be a tree!”