Cinderella Nie 12E
To do volunteer work…… Introduction of YFVA which is short for Young Federation of Volunteer Association 青年协 会志愿者联盟 Last year, we ( GCA ) cooperates with this association to do many volunteer work and I am the leader(from Student Council) who organize the activities. And also, this year, we will cooperate with the association.
To do volunteer work…… Do you know VOLUNTEER means? You do something to help others who need help AND free of charge. How many hours you MUST finish this year? Where can you do volunteer work? A number of places! Bookstore, hospital, subway station, train station, home for the elderly, nursery( orphanage ), etc.
What are you going to do? Phoenix Bookstore 凤凰书城, 整理图书, 做调查,监督职员 Nanjing Children’s Hospital 帮忙卖病历,做 护士的助手 Subway Station 教别人买票,看管进口 Zhong Shan Ling 指路 Nanjing Train Station 帮忙 Fashion Lady 志愿服务站
You must do volunteer work, right? If you are interested in any of these volunteer work, me, text me or phone me. I’m Cinderella, you can call me Cindy 姐 too, and Mr. Lawlor likes to call me Ella. I’m fine with these names.
Volunteer leader? !! Service class leader – one from each class Service grade leader – one from each grade Service club leader – 3 from all grades