CIS 300- Professor McIntosh Test #3. MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS Syntax: =ROUND(number, num_digits) Arguments: number Required  The number.


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Presentation transcript:

CIS 300- Professor McIntosh Test #3

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS Syntax: =ROUND(number, num_digits) Arguments: number Required  The number that you want to round. num_digits Required  The number of digits to which you want to round the number argument.

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS Description: Rounds a number to a specified number of digits. Remarks: If num_digits is greater than 0 (zero), then number is rounded to the specified number of decimal places. If num_digits is 0, the number is rounded to the nearest integer. If num_digits is less than 0, the number is rounded to the left of the decimal point. Errors: None


MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS Syntax: =AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, [average_range]) Arguments: range Required  One or more cells to average, including numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. criteria Required  The criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text that defines which cells are averaged. average_range Optional  The actual set of cells to average.

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS Description: Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all the cells in a range that meet a given criteria. Remarks: If average_range is omitted, range is used. Cells in range that contain TRUE or FALSE are ignored. If a cell in average_range is an empty cell, AVERAGEIF ignores it. If a cell in criteria is empty, AVERAGEIF treats it as a 0 value. Errors: #DIV/0 – If range is a blank or text value. #DIV/0 – If no cells in the range meet the criteria.






MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS Syntax: =COUNTIF(range, criteria) Arguments: range Required  One or more cells to count, including numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. o Blank and text values are ignored.  criteria Required  A number, expression, cell reference, or text string that defines which cells will be counted. o Criteria can be expressed as 32, ">32", B4, "apples", or "32".

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS Description: Counts the number of cells within a range that meet a single criterion that you specify. Remarks: See the Microsoft ® Excel ® help for additional remarks. Criteria are case insensitive Errors: None


MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS Syntax: =SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]) Arguments: range Required  The range of cells that you want evaluated by criteria. o Cells in each range must be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. o Blank and text values are ignored.  criteria Required  The criteria in the form of a number, expression, a cell reference, text, or a function that defines which cells will be added. o Criteria can be expressed as 32, ">32", B5, "32", "apples", or TODAY(). sum_range Optional  The actual cells to add, if you want to add cells other than those specified in the range argument. o Excel adds the cells that are specified in the range argument (the same cells to which the criteria is applied).

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS Description: Sums the values in a range that meet criteria that you specify. Remarks: See the Microsoft ® Excel ® help for additional remarks. Errors: None


Practice Questions A)What is the formula to determine the total number of employees who earn MORE than $50,000 in annual salary? B)What is the formula to determine the sum of the salaries of employees who earn LESS than the average annual salary for this group of employees? C)What is the formula to determine the sum of the salaries of employees who earn LESS than the fourth (4th) lowest salary? Answers: A)=COUNTIF(C4:C14,">50000") B)=SUMIF(C4:C14,"<"&AVERAGE(C4:C14)) C)=SUMIF(C4:C14,"<"&SMALL(C4:C14,4))

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® LOOKUP FUNCTIONS Syntax: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup]) Arguments: lookup_value Required  The value to search in the first column of the table or range. table_array Required  The range of cells that contains the data. col_index_num Required  The column number in the table_array argument from which the matching value must be returned. range_lookup Optional  A logical value that specifies whether you want VLOOKUP to find an exact match or an approximate match.

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® LOOKUP FUNCTIONS Description: Searches the first column of a range of cells, and then returns a value from any cell on the same row of the range. Remarks: The values in the first column of table_array can be text, numbers, or logical values. Uppercase and lowercase text are equivalent. If range_lookup is TRUE, the values in the first column of table_array must be placed in ascending order. If range_lookup is TRUE or omitted, an approximate match is returned. If range_lookup is FALSE, an exact match will be attempted.

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® LOOKUP FUNCTIONS Errors: #VALUE! – If col_index_num is less than 1 #REF! – If col_index_num is greater than the number of columns in the table_array #N/A – If range_lookup is FALSE and an exact match cannot be found #N/A – If lookup_value is less than the smallest value in the first column of table_array

=VLOOKUP(“CPU”,A1:F9,5,FALSE) 12345

Q. How much total profit was made on the item that costs $40.00? A. =VLOOKUP(40,C2:F7,4,FALSE)

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® LOOKUP FUNCTIONS Syntax: =HLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,row_index_num,[range_lookup]) Arguments: lookup_value Required  The value to search in the first column of the table or range. table_array Required  The range of cells that contains the data. col_index_num Required  The row number in the table_array argument from which the matching value must be returned. range_lookup Optional  A logical value that specifies whether you want VLOOKUP to find an exact match or an approximate match.

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® LOOKUP FUNCTIONS Description: Searches the first row of a range of cells, and then returns a value from any cell on the same column of the range. Remarks: The values in the first column of table_array can be text, numbers, or logical values. Uppercase and lowercase text are equivalent. If range_lookup is TRUE, the values in the first column of table_array must be placed in ascending order. If range_lookup is TRUE or omitted, an approximate match is returned. If range_lookup is FALSE, an exact match will be attempted.

=HLOOKUP(“Retail Value”,A1:F9,7,FALSE)

Q. How many motherboards did they sell? A. =HLOOKUP(“Quantity”,A1:F9,6,FALSE)

Some More Practice – EXAMPLE 1 MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® LOOKUP FUNCTIONS Q. In the month with the most rainfall, how much damage did the rain cause? A.=VLOOKUP(MAX(B2:B13),B2:D13,3) = $250,000.00

1) What formula should be entered in cell E10 to determine the name of the driver who was driving the fastest? 2) What is the formula to determine the total number of drivers whose actual speed (column D) exceeded 60 MPH? 3) What is the formula to determine the average speed of all drivers whose actual speed (Column D) exceeded 60 MPH?

1) What formula should be entered in cell E10 to determine the name of the driver who was driving the fastest? 2) What is the formula to determine te total number of drivers whose actual speed (column D) exceeded 60 MPH? 3) What is the formula to determine the average speed of all drivers whose actual speed (Column D) exceeded 60 MPH? =VLOOKUP(MAX(D5:D9),D5:F9,3,FALSE) =COUNTIF(D5:D9,">60") =AVERAGEIF(D5:D9,">60")

(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) (2)=VLOOKUP(IF(MIN(B6:F18)<>MAX(D3:G5), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) (3)=VLOOKUP(MAX(B3:G4)*B6/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE) (4)=VLOOKUP(C3*E3, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) (5)=VLOOKUP(LARGE(D10:G17,4), $C$8:$F$20, 5, FALSE)

(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE)

=VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE)

(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE)

(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE)

(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 66/E6, TRUE)

(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 66/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 66/11, TRUE)

(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 66/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 66/11, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 6, TRUE)

(2) =VLOOKUP(IF(MIN(B6:F18)<>MAX(D3:G5), 38, 83), E11:G22,3)

=VLOOKUP(IF(11<>MAX(D3:G5), 38, 83), E11:G22,3)

(2)=VLOOKUP(IF(MIN(B6:F18)<>MAX(D3:G5), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(IF(11<>MAX(D3:G5), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(IF(11<>11, 38, 83), E11:G22,3)

(2)=VLOOKUP(IF(MIN(B6:F18)<>MAX(D3:G5), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(IF(11<>MAX(D3:G5), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(IF(11<>11), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(IF(FALSE, 38, 83), E11:G22,3)

(2)=VLOOKUP(IF(MIN(B6:F18)<>MAX(D3:G5), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(IF(11<>MAX(D3:G5), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(IF(11<>11), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(IF(FALSE, 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(83, E11:G22,3)

(2)=VLOOKUP(IF(MIN(B6:F18)<>MAX(D3:G5), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(IF(11<>MAX(D3:G5), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(IF(11<>11), 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(IF(FALSE, 38, 83), E11:G22,3) =VLOOKUP(83, E11:G22,3)

(3) =VLOOKUP(MAX(B3:G4)*B6/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE)

=VLOOKUP(17*B6/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE)

(3)=VLOOKUP(MAX(B3:G4)*B6/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE) =VLOOKUP(17*B6/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE) =VLOOKUP(17*18/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE)

(3)=VLOOKUP(MAX(B3:G4)*B6/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE) =VLOOKUP(17*B6/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE) =VLOOKUP(17*18/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE) =VLOOKUP(306/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE)

(3)=VLOOKUP(MAX(B3:G4)*B6/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE) =VLOOKUP(17*B6/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE) =VLOOKUP(17*18/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE) =VLOOKUP(306/G3, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE) =VLOOKUP(306/6, $C$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE)

(4) =VLOOKUP(C3*E3, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4))

=VLOOKUP(11*E3, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4))

(4)=VLOOKUP(C3*E3, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) =VLOOKUP(11*E3, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) =VLOOKUP(11*5, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4))

(4)=VLOOKUP(C3*E3, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) =VLOOKUP(11*E3, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) =VLOOKUP(11*5, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) =VLOOKUP(55, C8:F20, IF(1000>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4))

(4)=VLOOKUP(C3*E3, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) =VLOOKUP(11*E3, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) =VLOOKUP(11*5, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) =VLOOKUP(55, C8:F20, IF(1000>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) =VLOOKUP(55, C8:F20, IF(1000>924, 2, 4))

(4)=VLOOKUP(C3*E3, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) … =VLOOKUP(55, C8:F20, IF(1000>924, 2, 4)) =VLOOKUP(55, C8:F20, IF(TRUE, 2, 4)) =VLOOKUP(55, C8:F20, 2)

(4)=VLOOKUP(C3*E3, C8:F20, IF(SUM(B3:B24)>SUM(F3:F24), 2, 4)) … =VLOOKUP(55, C8:F20, 2)

(5)=VLOOKUP(LARGE(D10:G17,4), $C$8:$F$20, 5, FALSE)

=VLOOKUP(58, $C$8:$F$20, 5, FALSE)

(5)=VLOOKUP(LARGE(D10:G17,4), $C$8:$F$20, 5, FALSE) =VLOOKUP(58, $C$8:$F$20, 5, FALSE) #REF!

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® INFORMATION FUNCTIONS Description: Returns TRUE if value refers to any error value: #N/A#VALUE!#REF!#DIV/0! #NUM!#NAME?#NULL! Remarks: The value arguments of the IS functions are not converted Any numeric values that are enclosed in double quotation marks are treated as text. The IS functions are useful in formulas for testing the outcome of a calculation Errors: None

MICROSOFT ® EXCEL ® INFORMATION FUNCTIONS Description: Returns TRUE if value refers to the #N/A (value not available) error value. Remarks: The value arguments of the IS functions are not converted Any numeric values that are enclosed in double quotation marks are treated as text. The IS functions are useful in formulas for testing the outcome of a calculation Errors: None

Practice Question Enter a formula into I2 that will determine how much an employee with the first name in cell I3 makes? If the first name does not exist, your answer should say "No such employee”. Vincent Answer: =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(I2,B2:H16,6,FALSE)),"No Such Employee“, VLOOKUP(I2,B2:H16,6,FALSE))

Practice Questions What is the formula to determine the name of the driver who was driving the 2 nd slowest? =VLOOKUP(SMALL(D5:D9, 2),D5:F9,3,FALSE)

EVALUATE: 1) =VLOOKUP(D15, $D$8:$F$20, 3, FALSE) 2)=VLOOKUP(SUM(B4:G4), $E$12:$G$24, 3, TRUE) 3)=VLOOKUP(MIN(B14:D18) + MAX(E3:G13), $C$10:$D$25, 2 Answers: 1: 49 2: 50 3: 89

Evaluate: 1) =VLOOKUP(B21, $C$11:$G$22, 4, TRUE) 2) =HLOOKUP(SMALL(G3:G10,4),B4:G10,4,FALSE) 3)=HLOOKUP(SUMIF(B3:G3,”>5”),C11:F24,COUNTIF(B3 :G3,”>5”),FALSE) Answers: 1)61 2)38 3)46