Tenants Repair Satisfaction Survey Discussion Item
Level of Response All trades staff have been asked to leave a satisfaction card upon completion of a repair. The results of the Tenant Satisfaction Survey from 23rd January 2013 to 25th February 2013 showed that we completed 3020 repairs, of this we received 111 completed cards which equates to 2.72% of all repairs completed in the same period.
How are we performing? Receiving the Repair Report.
How are we performing? Carrying out the repair.
How are we performing? Overall Satisfaction.
Discussion Points 1.Is this a picture you recognise? Have you reported a repair, were you left with a Satisfaction Survey Card, did you return it? 2.An area of concern is the low response rate. In your groups, please consider how to encourage responses to the satisfaction survey.
Any questions ? Leona Mantle Tenancy Services Manager