SDCG-6 Oslo, Norway October 22-24, 2014 SESSION 9, Item 26: Update to SDCG 3-Year Work Plan, G. Dyke SDCG-9: Frascati, February, 2016
Topics SDCG-8 Actions Status of 2015 Outcomes Update for – status and ACTIONs 2
SDCG-8 Actions Most SDCG-8 actions that remained open were addressed by the SDCG- 9 agenda – 37 actions – 19 COMPLETED or CLOSED – 9 addressed or deferred to SDCG-9 – 8 ongoing – 1 due at SIT-31 (E-3 strategy) Remaining open actions from SDCG-8 were addressed by SDCG-9 agenda items Any open items that people don’t feel were addressed? 3
2015 Outcomes Status Going Into to SDCG-8 * Full outcome text in 3yWP and SDCG-8 agenda SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23 rd - 25 th Outcome*StatusOutcome*Status Baseline #1: Global CoverageIn Progress Service (Cont’d) #10: Cloud Computing PilotsKenya+Colombia #2 Data FlowsComplete early 2016#11: National ModelNot yet #3: Info. ProductsBeing identified in #2 R&D #12: E3 StrategyComplete Services #4: MGD IntegrationNeeds MGD Follow-up#13: Data for R&DNot yet? #5: CB MeetingsContinuing SC Support#14: Broker CommercialSDCG-8 Day #6: Ensured coverageFor LS+S2A, others? Component Coord’n #15: Customer ExperienceNot yet #7: Interop. Discovery ToolsFor LS. S2A? Others?#16: Priority Country ServiceKenya only #8: Core Data AssemblyData Flow Study, Space Data Guide#17: Country I/F Management Not yet #9: MGD 2.0 IntegrationIn progress On Track / Complete3/17 Progressing9/17 Not Progressing / Unknown5/17 September 2015
2015 Outcomes Status Going Into to SDCG-9 * Full outcome text in 3yWP and SDCG-8 agenda SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23 rd - 25 th Outcome*StatusOutcome*Status Baseline #1: Global CoverageIn Progress Service (Cont’d) #10: Cloud Computing PilotsKenya+Colombia #2 Data FlowsFirst Complete Draft for Review#11: National ModelNot yet #3: Info. ProductsBeing identified in #2 R&D #12: E3 StrategyComplete Services #4: MGD IntegrationIn progress – discussion with FAO and MGD #13: Data for R&DIn progress – ASI, CNES #5: CB MeetingsContinuing SC Support#14: Broker CommercialSDCG-8 Day #6: Ensured coverage (CDS)For LS+S2A Component Coord’n #15: Customer ExperienceNot yet #7: Interop. Discovery ToolsFor LS. S2A?#16: Priority Country ServiceKenya only #8: Core Data AssemblyData Flow Study, Space Data Guide#17: Country I/F Management Not yet #9: MGD 2.0 IntegrationIn progress – MGD 2.0 feedback On Track / Complete6/17 [+3] Progressing8/17 [-1] Not Progressing / Unknown3/17 [-2] February 2016
Work Plan If we achieve too many of our outcomes, will need to make them harder… but not quite yet... Updates for largely incremental R&D outcome area has added more detail given the ‘reboot’ of the GFOI R&D component Component coordaintion outcome area will need revision based on new GFOI Office + SDCG Session 6 discussion 6
Work Plan – ACTIONs ACTION SDCG-9-X All SDCG members to provide feedback on the Work Plan outcomes and support tasks by Friday 4 th March. ACTION SDCG-9-X SDCG Work Plan outcome area leads to confirm their work stream contents (outcomes, supporting tasks) for Work Plan by Friday 4th March. ACTION SDCG-9-X SDCG SEC, with support from SDCG EXEC and outcome area leads, to finalise the SDCG Work Plan for submission to SIT-31 (submission deadline 4th April). In the absence of feedback, SEC will presume a linear projection of current outcomes and tasks. 7
Work Plan – Discussion Topics Should the Work Plan be adapted in light of LSI-VC discussions? Should SDCG have a 3-Year Work Plan given its an ad hoc group? – Suggested answer: yes, Work Plan is about stewardship of space agency support to GFOI, which persisits whether SDCG is stood down or evolves. Should there be any additional outomes, or any removed? 8