4/16/2015Customer Satisfaction Survey,Net Promote,Quality Management Consulting 18004711646 HomeHomeOur ProcessAbout UsServicesServicesContact About Us Quality Solutions, Inc. has become internationally recognized as a management consulting firm offering clients a wide range of market research support and quality management services. Our services are designed with one goal in mind, “Performance Excellence.”tions, Inc. has becomem offering clients a wide rarch support and quality mr services are designed w“Performance Excellen Quality Solutions consultants are recognized leaders in the practice of market research and management consulting. Our consultants have served as Members of the Board of Examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, they have been identified among the Who’s Who of International Consultants and they are active members of the American Marketing Association and American Society for Quality. If your company is seeking ISO or TS certification you have the comfort in knowing you will be assisted each step of the way by consultants who are certified RABQSA Lead Auditors and certified NQA1 Lead Auditors.e practice of market reseat consulting. Our consultaembers of the Board of Exlm Baldrige National Qualen identified among the Wal Consultants and they an Society for Quality. If yoseeking ISO or TS certificfort in knowing you will bthe way by consultants wQSA Lead Auditors and cAuditors. Our consultants are constantly upgrading their expertise so as to be able to provide state of the art services for our clients.as to be able to provide s Our services generally fall into three main categories: Customer Satisfaction Surveys & Market Research Performance Improvement & Busines Proces Improvement
4/16/2015 Our Philosophy Teamwork – We have built a team of highly skilled professionals ready to serve your needs. Best Practices – Our processes have been benchmarked by companies all over the world. We are committed to bringing “state of the art” as well as customized solutions which support attainment of your bottom line goals. Integrated Systems – We are interested in building internal capacity within our clients to measure the predictors of customer satisfaction through Key Performance Indicators. We know that combining internal process metrics with the voice of the customer brings a powerful set of tools to the board room. Responsiveness – Time is money. Information and answers to pressing questions are more valuable when they are provided in a timely manner. We take pride in our ability to exceed our clients’ expectations in terms of quality and responsiveness. Customer Satisfaction Survey,Net Promote,Quality Management Consulting Quality Management Systems View Al Services Quality Solutions, Inc. is uniquely positioned to provide a customized solution to meet the specific needs of each client. We offer personalized service and practice what we preach regarding customer service and responsiveness. Our team of seasoned professionals provides you and your customers with services that respect the needs and demands of time, cost, and results. Our services are designed to address the critical business issues of customer loyalty, retention, and growth. Each of our services is further customized to meet the unique needs of our clients. Many of our clients utilize several of our services since they are specifically designed to provide integrated business solutions. We pride ourselves by developing long term relationships which evolve to meet the changing needs of our clients.
4/16/2015Customer Satisfaction Survey,Net Promote,Quality Management Consulting Quality Solutions, Inc. is a member of the American Marketing Association, Market Research Association, American Society for Quality, Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) and the Better Business Bureau. Net Promoter, Net Promoter Score, and NPS are trademarks of Satmetrix, Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld Copyright Proudly Designed by HD Web DesignsHD Web Designs Net Promoter, Net Promoter Score, and NPS are trademarks of Satmetrix, Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld Quality Solutions, Inc. has become internationally recognized as a management consulting firm offering clients a wide range of market research support and quality management services. Our services are designed with one goal in mind, “Performance Excellence.” Read More Contact Email: P o r m ivacy P o r m ivacy Quality Solutions, Inc P.O. Box Cleveland, OH, Phone: 4409339946 Toll Free: 800471 1646 Fax: 4409337077 Additional Links Terms & Conditions SitemapSitemap Follow Us Blog Posts How to Understand a Net Promoter Score Mistakes Companies Make in Bypassing Customer Surveys Thre Tips for Improving Business Processes Over the Long Run How to Use Customer Satisfaction Surveys to Improve Your Business