Emergency Preparedness Emergency Action Plan – EAP Emergency Operating Procedure - EOP Do you have a written plan? Yes – Retained in Human Resources
Requirement OSHA requires an EAP in writing kept in your workplace and available to employees for review. However, an employer with 10 or fewer employees may communicate the plan orally to employees.
Elements of Plan Minimum Elements: OSHA Procedures for reporting a fire or other emergency Procedures for an emergency evacuation; including type of evacuation and exit route assignments Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate Procedures to account for all employees after evacuation
Procedures to be followed by employees performing rescue or medical duties The name or job title of every employee who may be contacted by employee who need more information about the plan or an explanation of their duties under the plan
Question; If the fire alarm went off right now, do you know what you should do?
Chain of Command? Command Center? Who is in charge? Who is responsible for what during an emergency? Emergency Equipment? Employee head count procedure? Designated assembly areas? Medical triage area? Communications?
Company senior person – Respond to media General Manager – Command Center Leader Safety Coordinator – Develops plan Maintenance Manager – Utilities Information Systems Manager – Data security Human Resources Manager – Employee relations – Injury reports MFG Manager- Coordinates evacuation Supervisors - Ensure orderly evacuation of hourly associates to designated accumulation areas - conducts head count
Line Leaders – Assists Supervisors Hourly Associates – Turn off machines if possible move to accumulation area Security Officer – General security and site control
The Command Center will be set up at the nearest place of convenience out of harms way to the disaster site. (plan revision designating buildings)
Emergency Equipment Supervisors have flashlights Each facility has a first-aid kit No AED No Oxygen Paramedics will respond
Employee Head Count Supervisors should maintain a current daily attendance report Supervisors conduct head count and reports to MFG Manager
Designated Assembly Areas Plant 1 – Stonewall – Front parking lot Plant 2 – Grassy area on left of parking lot Plant 3 – Stonewall – Front parking lot Plant 4 – Grass area in front of building Manchester – Grass area at plant exit
Medical Triage Area The medical triage area will be set up at the accumulation area. Designated first responders will be in charge until a more qualified person i.e., paramedic arrives on scene.
Communications Hand held radios will be used for communication during an emergency. Codes – 01 – Emergency communications 10 – Security/Shuttle 14 – Manufacturing 22 – Maintenance Cell phones can also be utilized if practicable.
Media Relations Only company designated persons shall make statements to the media. Media Chain Of Command:
Day 2 - Regrouping The day following an emergency or disaster all salaried associates will meet at a facility designated by the General Manager.
Known Hazards Electrical Natural gas LPG/acid batteries for forklifts Chemicals – Conformal Coating Plant 2 Isopropyl Alcohol – All Both have flam rating – 3 Acetylene and Oxygen cylinders for welding
Important Areas To Protect Computer Main Frame Personal Records Vendor Files
Video Documentation For insurance purposes, annually, all facilities will be videoed to document physical structures, equipment and line layouts
What type of emergencies should your plan address? Fire Toxic Release Hurricanes Tornadoes Blizzards Floods Utility failure Bomb threat Earthquake Domestic violence and criminal behavior OSHA requires that you evaluate your particular emergency plan needs.
Evacuation Signals Intercom if working Fire alarm Verbally
Training OSHA requires that you conduct training: Responsibilities Emergency evacuation drills Emergency shut down procedures for equipment i.e., gas valves during fires Verify evacuation by taking role For all types of emergencies