British Literature English 12
In your own words, explain what a soliloquy is.soliloquy How does it differ from other kinds of long speeches? Are soliloquies something you only see in plays? What are some moments in every day life people might engage in a soliloquy?
What are some things you talk to yourself about? Why does it help to talk out loud to yourself when you're thinking about these kinds of problems? What does talking out loud to yourself help you to do? A soliloquy is a playwright's way of representing this kind of talking out loud—but it is also a way to reveal character
As you watch the next video clip, consider the following questions: What is Hamlet asking in this speech? What sort of issue is he trying to figure out? The Big Question...To be or not to be...
What is Hamlet asking in this speech? What sort of issue is he trying to figure out? What is the context of this speech? How has Hamlet come to this point? Now, let’s look at Hamlet’s famous soliloquy to better understand who he is and what he is after.
Read through the text and discuss the following questions: What does Hamlet mean when he says, "To be or not to be: That is the question"? What different answers to this question does he explore? Go back through the text and circle any confusing words/phrases after you read.
This time, I will read the soliloquy out loud while you follow along. Pay particular attention to the double slash marks, as this indicates where Hamlet finishes an idea and begins another. According to Hamlet’s speech, what are some reasons why people might consider suicide? Why might they decide against it? What are your thoughts on what Hamlet is saying? Do you agree? Disagree?
In groups of 4, you will write your own modern-day version of Hamlet’s soliloquy. You’re not necessarily rewriting a word-for-word translation, but deciphering what he is saying in each section as a whole and writing a modern-day equivalent. You have 10 minutes to write your own translation. When time is up, each group will share their version.
Think about why Shakespeare wrote this soliloquy for Hamlet. As you watch the video clip, consider the following questions:video clip Based on this speech, how would you describe the character of Hamlet? What does the speech reveal about him? What does the soliloquy show us that a scene with other characters couldn't?
Write a 1-2 paragraph response answering the following questions. Use lines from the text to support your answer. Based on this speech, how would you describe the character of Hamlet? What does the speech reveal about him? What does the soliloquy show us that a scene with other characters couldn't? Quarter 3, Formative 1 Grade
Need a little help? Think of these ideas to help you… How would this speech be different if Hamlet had this discussion with his friend Horatio? What does it tell us about Hamlet that instead he thinks of these things on his own? What kinds of arguments does Hamlet pose as he thinks through his topic?
Decipher another of Hamlet’s soliloquies from the play thus far, following the steps we did in class today. Analysis due at the beginning of next class period! * Quarter 3, Summative 2 Grade