What do we use roman numerals for in everyday life? Name what the letters in roman numerals stand for (I, V, X, etc.) What can chemical formulas tell us?
Mr. Schlamb
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Chemical formulas tell us the number of each atom in a compound Dihydrogen oxide is H 2 O or water Carbon Dioxide tells us what?
Ionic compounds consist of only positive and negative atoms. For example HCl is composed of positive hydrogen atoms and negative chlorine (chloride) atoms
Monoatomic ions– ions formed from a single atom Rules: Nitrogen and most group 15 elements form -3 ions Oxygen and most group 16 elements form -2 ions Fluorine and most group 17 elements form -1 ions Lithium and most group 1 elements form +1 ions Beryllium and most group 2 elements form +2 ions
Cations keep their name so a sodium ion Na +1 will still be called sodium Anions change their name, the ending is dropped and replaced with “ide”, Cl - is called chloride Practice what will Be +2, O -2, and F - be called?
I will put Table 1 on Moodle or have a copy for you next class to use If you would like you can put this in your notebook if you want Some of these will be important to remember