The “Kindle” Question Will e-books (e.g. Kindle and its clones) transform libraries and library usage?
What is an e-book? An e-book is a digital version of a traditional (printed) book which may be viewed on a computer or other reading device, such as: o Kindle – Amazon’s product o Clones – Sony, i-Phone, Google o Hanlin e-book readers o Smashwords – Downloaded e-books
What does the learner demand? Share the You-Tube video: A Vision of K-12 Students Today (4:09) Pose a new question: How will user demands transform libraries and what part will e-books (e.g. Kindle and its clones) play?
Let’s take Kindle… Lightweight, portable, large display Direct access to the dictionary and Wikipedia Bookmark, page markers, favorite page tabs Easy to read, adjustable font, page’s e-ink is just like paper Read-aloud feature No computer needed Kindle DX can hold 3,500 books, magazines, newspapers, and documents (1,500 on Kindle 2) 275,000 titles available on Amazon; each would take less than 1 min to download, wirelessly Kindle books cost less than traditional retail books
Background/History of E-book Military use in training PortablePortable CurrentCurrent AccessibleAccessible Leads to the question of potential profession development uses for teaching staff PortablePortable CurrentCurrent AccessibleAccessible
Environmental & Budgetary Benefits for Schools CA’s Governor Schwartzenegger’s plan Reduce paperReduce paper Reduce cost for purchasing booksReduce cost for purchasing books Students no longer carry heavy outdated booksStudents no longer carry heavy outdated books Solution– Access free information on the web to a computerSolution– Access free information on the web to a computer Digital Divide concerns Need to verify the authenticity and accuracy of sources
Use of Kindle for Textbook Replacement Is Kindle the answer to the Digital Divide? Bound to the publishing schedule of print books with subsequent availability for download Not as current as web articles Durability and expense of upkeep and repair
A Vision for Educational Use Special needs students, such as: Visually impairedVisually impaired Font, Lighting, and Audio Read Aloud feature LD or developmentally delayed students–LD or developmentally delayed students– Listen and comprehend at a higher level than they can decode Better alternative to PlayAway personal recorded books ESoL-Could be a route to instant translations?
How will user demands transform libraries and what part will e-books play? We perceive a reluctance on the part of library and the general public to make the transition, however.. User demand will drive the changes that will transform libraries The library user is changing as a new and much more technology-capable generation becomes the consumerThe library user is changing as a new and much more technology-capable generation becomes the consumer E-books in some form surely will be part of the technological changes in libraries Kindle has its place in the transformation We have shared our hopes for e-books to assist in education of both students and facultyWe have shared our hopes for e-books to assist in education of both students and faculty
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