CADMOS for ESA Inc 25&26 supported activities Maurice MARNAT CADMOS - CNES POIWG #28: July 27-29, 2010
CADMOS support physiology experiments for ESA CADMOS is FRC for class 1 payloads : European Physiology Modules – EPM (Col A3) Multi-electrode Electo-Encephalogram Mapping Module - MEEMM Cardiolab – CDL Muscle Atrophy Research Exercise System – MARES (Col F3) CADMOS for ESA French USOC
Experiments and Activities Inc 25&26 3D-SPACE: Mental Representation of Spatial Cues During Spaceflight MARES: Commissioning part 1 NEUROSPAT: Prefrontal brain functions and spatial cognition PASSAGES: Scaling Body-Related Actions in Absence of Gravity SOLO: Sodium retention in microgravity EPM corrective maintenance: Video Unit Troubleshooting IMMUNO: Neuroendocrine and immunological changes EDOS: Early Detection of Osteoporosis in Space (ground only) SPIN: Centrifugation, static tilt and orthostatic tilt tests (ground only) CARD: Investigating Mechanisms of Heart Disease (support to DAMEC) DOSIS: Dose Distribution inside ISS (support to MUSC) ICV: Integrated Cardiovascular (support to NASA-ICV for Cardiopress) VESSEL IMAGING: Vascular Imaging (support to DAMEC)
3D-SPACE Mental Representation of Spatial Cues During Spaceflight Science overview Stand-alone experiment : the subject is immerged in a virtual environment while free floating. Tasks : drawing, distance, illusion Main Hardware Laptop, head mounted display, trackball, digital tablet and pen, Ultrabay Hard Disk, PCMCIA card Next subjects Paolo Nespoli, Catherine Coleman Implementation 4 to 5 sessions per subject Crew time Installation: 15 min Experimental session: 30 min Stowing : 15 min +10 min for OCA transfer during the last session Data Data stored on PCMCIA card – downlink to ground via OCA then TSC/Web Mirage Photo / Video 2 Photos/session are desired for evaluation of subjects head and body position during free-floating
DOSIS Dose Distribution inside ISS / Dosimetry for Biological Experiment in Space Science overview Measure actual nature and distribution of the radiation field inside the spacecraft Main Hardware DOSIS main box: radiation detector USOC MUSC, CADMOS only perform data downlink via EPM Implementation Continuous measurement Data Data downlink once a month
Muscle Atrophy Research and Exercise System Commissioning part 1 Activity overview ESA Commissioning of MARES payload Part II foreseen during Inc 27&28 Main Hardware MARES payload + EPM Laptop with MARES SW installed on a Ultrabay Hard Disk Operator Paolo Nespoli Implementation Two days during increment 26 Crew time day 1: 190 min deployment, VIF test, battery charge day 2: 225 min functional test, battery discharge Data Logs and reports downlink via EPM Photo / Video Video requested for specific steps
NEUROSPAT Prefrontal brain functions and spatial cognition Science overview Subject in free floating uses a tunnel (lighshield) to immerge into challenging scene. EEG, EOG, EMG and ECG signals are acquired via EPM-MEEMM. Main Hardware EPM, MEEMM, laptops, lightshield, gamepad, EEG cap, consumable (gel), chest belt Next subjects Paolo Nespoli, Catherine Coleman (operator only) Implementation 2 sessions per subject (around FD15 and FD60) 3 days activities /session Crew time Day 1 : hardware setup Day 2 : electronic hardware activation, EEG cap setup, experimental session, quick stowing Day 3 : data saving, stowing Data Data stored on MEEMM and laptop Neurosciences Hard Disks Data to be downlinked via EPM High Rate link Photo / Video 5 min video required, photo-modeling pictures of EEG cap
NEUROSPAT validation of EEG signal quality by PI at CADMOS during setup
PASSAGES Scaling Body-Related Actions in Absence of Gravity Science overview Stand-alone experiment. Subject quasi free floating uses a tunnel (lighshield) to immerge into a virtual corridor and evaluate « passability » through doors. Main Hardware Laptop, lightshield, trackball, PCMCIA card Next subjects Doug Wheelock, Shanon Walker, Scott Kelly, Catherine Coleman, Paolo Nespoli Implementation 2 sessions per subject (Before FD21 and after FD120) Crew time 85 min crew time / session Data Data stored on PCMCIA card – downlink to ground via EPM Photo / Video 5 min video required
SOLO Sodium retention in microgravity Science overview Study impact of diet period on fluid and salt retention. Main Hardware CDL PCBA : Cardiolab Portable Clinical Blood Analyzer MELPHI : Freezer HRF-2/RC : Refrigated Centrifuge HRF-1/SLAMMD : space weight-scale Next subjects Paolo Nespoli Crew time 8h50 min crew time / subject (4h50 planned on ESA/OPDCS and 4h00 planned on NASA/URC side) Data Blood sample (4) Urine sample (2) download in frozen state Logs (PCBA, Urine, Diet) & SLAMMD data downlinked via OCA and retrieved via TSC/Web Mirage
6 days > 4 weeks >1month Session 1 Crew Member Launches 1< days <7 Session 2 Crew Member Lands Day 2Day 5Day 4Day 3 Day 1 Session Breakdown (1 or 2) Body Mass Measurements with SLAMMD – POIC Planning Blood Sampling with RC: blood draw and blood stow - ESA Planning; RC processing and MELFI insertion – POIC Planning Day 6 Controlled Diet Monitoring (random low or normal salt intake) – ESA Planning Diet and Exercise Log – ESA Planning Blood Sampling with PCBA: blood stick and PCBA measurement - ESA Planning Urine Sampling: 24-hr urine collection - ESA Planning; MELFI insertion – POIC Planning MELFI PCBA consumables Retrieval – POIC Planning PCBA Software Update – ESA Planning SOLO Sodium retention in microgravity
Activity overview Trip issue on the EPM Laptop power line (which is common with the EPM Video unit) occurred during the NEUROSPAT Session (early summer 09). SPR 357 Main Hardware EPM Operator Paolo Nespoli Implementation The following activities are to be planned: ■ EPM Video Unit Power Connector J02 disconnection ■ In case that failure is still present after connector disconnection: EPM Video Unit Power Harness stepwise interconnection tests ■ In case that VU is source of problem: EPM Video Unit Removal & Replacement EPM corrective maintenance Video Unit troubleshooting
Science overview Stand alone experiment to study how human psycho-neuroendocrine and immunologic systems adapt to space environment, and how these processes are dependent on the cellular level of signal processing Main Hardware Plasma03 centrifuge MELFI freezer Next subjects Russian crew member Implementation First session during quiet period between L+4m and L+5m Second session during stressed period after R-12d Crew time 3h55 min crew time /session (24h session from 8am to 8am) Day 1:Stress Tests, Saliva Samplings, Blood Sampling, Urine Collection Day 2: End of urine collection Data Urine and blood samplings (frozen), paper Current Stress tests sheets, blood smears boxes and saliva tubes, urine and blood sampling logbooks. Photo / Video Not required IMMUNO Neuroendocrine and immune responses during and after long term stay at ISS
Ground Baseline Data Collection ExperimentPre-flightPost-flight 3D-SPACE L-90d, L-60d, L-30dR+0d, R+1d, R+4, R+8 CARD Any time before launch> R+60d IMMUNO Between L-30d and L-7dR+1d, R+7d, >R+30d NEUROSPAT L-90d, L-60d, L-30d.R+2, R+6, >R+15 (x2) PASSAGES >L-90dR+1d, >R+20d SOLO N/A>R+6M EDOS L-60d, L-30d R+1d (BM), R+2d (XCT), R+15d (BM), R+90d(BM & XCT), R+180d (BM & XCT), R+360d ±2w, SPIN <L (x3) the same week R+1d, R+4d, R+9d: VVIS and Tilt test
Inc 27/28 Overview 3D-SPACE: Mental Representation of Spatial Cues During Spaceflight IMMUNO: Neuroendocrine and immunological changes MARES: Commissioning part 2 PASSAGES: Scaling Body-Related Actions in Absence of Gravity SOLO: Sodium retention in microgravity EDOS: Early Detection of Osteoporosis in Space (ground only) SPIN: Centrifugation, static tilt and orthostatic tilt tests (ground only) DOSIS: Dose Distribution inside ISS (support to MUSC) ICV: Integrated Cardiovascular (support to NASA-ICV for Cardiopress) VESSEL IMAGING: Vascular Imaging (support to DAMEC)
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