CAST Conference 2015 Chris Carson Liz Mahon Opportunities and Challenges for Bilingual Students in Elementary Science Classrooms
Observe this phenomenon Use any language I notice…I wonder... Model this What if you had a super-powerful microscope! Draw what you see. Use words to label. Use arrows to show forces and movement. Use any language Agenda Overview of science framework shift and alignment with linguistically responsive teaching eCALLMS Modules, including sample Activities Discussion: Questions, Next Steps Change in science education Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) + Framework for Science Education = Less memorizing, more sense-making More inquiry about core ideas Emphasis on teaching ideas in context Explicit language and literacy connections Observed Science Instruction Science and Engineering Practices Facts, Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts Shift in Science Instruction Science and Engineering Practices Facts, Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts Science and Engineering Practices Asking Questions and Defining Problems Developing and using models Investigations Analyzing Data Mathematical thinking Designing solutions Engaging in argument Communicating information Opportunities for bilingual learners Focus on educational equity Focus on linguistically responsive teaching Shifting focus for science education Observe NGSS in action We’ve noted the opportunities What are the challenges you see? NW37RM6JM NW37RM6JM NAEP 4 th Grade Question A bird-watcher wants to see many birds in a one-hour period. She decides to investigate which type of food will attract more birds in her backyard. She has a choice of two types of bird food. Sunflower seeds Thistle seeds Describe a fair test the bird watcher could conduct to help her decide which food will attract more birds. What kind of scientific knowledge does a student need? What is the language demand of the task? What strategies might teachers use to better facilitate bilingual learning? Task Leverage Opportunities and Challenges Shifting science standards Alignment with best practices for linguistically responsive teaching Need for educators to develop skills and disposition for bilingual excellence eCALLMS: Integrate Language and Content Professional Development Modules 6-week, unmoderated, online 2 hours a week For teams of teachers to use in flexible ways Designed by teams: science + language+ technology Free! iGratís! Weekly 3-Step Learning Cycle Your turn: Make It Work Science Electricity – Word sort to assess and assist in making meaning of science vocabulary.
Open Sort – 2 minutes Electricity words Sort/categorize the words into groups Create the number of the groups and the name of groups Share your categories with the group next to you Tier 1 Most Basic Words Baby, clock, happy, walk. Tier 2 High frequency, Mature language users, Across a variety of domains Coincidence, absurd. Tier 3 Low frequency, Limited to specific domains Isotope, lathe, peninsula Beck, I. L., McKeown, M. G., and Kucan, L. (2002). Margarita Calderón, (2007) Take-aways Higher-level thinking Prioritizing Tier 2 words Caution: Academic language is much more than vocabulary TPS: How will you apply to your educational setting? Will this work in your context? What professional development style can bring together the best teaching in all disciplines? Contact us if you think these modules can be of use to help you achieve bilingual excellence. Feedback? Questions? How to learn more. Language Practice All science and engineering practices necessitate student language use and acquisition. Rich opportunities for “social interaction for an authentic communicative purpose” (Lucas and Villegas 2012)