Bell Work!!! Write a paragraph bragging about how COOL you are!!!
Injuries and Risk Taking
We are going to be discussing injuries today.
In groups of 4… Share a time when you were injured. You might talk about when you broke a bone, had to have stitches or twisted your ankle.
What’s a common term people use to describe an event in which someone was injured?
The word “accident” is often used to describe an event in which someone is injured.
An “accident” is a random event resulting in injury or property damage. The word “accident” implies that the event couldn’t have been predicted or prevented.
Could your injuries have been prevented? If so, how? Meet with your group and discuss.
Stand up if your injury could have been prevented.
Most of you SHOULD BE standing— because most injuries can be prevented. The word “accident” is almost always misused.
There are 2 types of injuries: Unintentional injuries can almost always be predicted and prevented. They are often caused when people take risks. These include injuries from car crashes, falls, drowning and fires. Intentional injuries are caused by violence or self-destructive behaviors. These include assault, homicide and suicide.
What’s the definition of risk?
What’s a Risk? A risk is any action that increases the chances of injury to yourself or someone else, or leads to the destruction or damage of property.
Unintentional injuries caused by risk-taking behaviors are the leading cause of death for teens and young adults. Knowing how to recognize, avoid or reduce the potential risks can decrease your chance of injury or death.
We are going to rate each of the following risks. When the action comes up on the screen go to the corner of the room that shows how you rate the risk.
Rate the Risk Jaywalking Drinking Alcohol Crashing a Party Going to a School Dance Not Wearing a Safety Belt Swimming Alone Not Wearing Safety Gear for Sports Not Wearing a Bike Helmet Drag Racing Driving Without a License Driving Under the Influence Speeding Riding with a Driver Who’s Been Drinking
Rate the Risk Hitchhiking Walking to School Using Drugs Going Out with Someone You Don’t Know Well Meeting Someone from an Internet Chat Room Getting Into an Argument Carrying a Weapon
Is there any behavior on this list that when combined with other behaviors increases the chance of injury or death?
Drinking alcohol or using drugs impairs a person’s judgment, reaction time and ability to make responsible decisions. Intoxication combined with driving or riding in motor vehicles and boats, access to weapons, or being alone with strangers can be a dangerous and even deadly combination.